Treatment Refusal

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Patients who discharge themselves against medical advice comprise 1%-2% of hospital admissions. Discharge against medical advice (DAMA) is defined as when a hospitalised patient chooses to leave the hospital before the treating medical team recommends discharge. The act of DAMA impacts on both the patient, the staff and their ongoing care. Specifically, this means that the patient\'s medical problems maybe inadequately assessed or treated. Patients who decide to DAMA tend to be young males, from a lower socioeconomic background and with a history of mental health or substance misuse disorder. DAMA has an associated increased risk of morbidity and mortality. In this review of studies across Western healthcare settings, specifically adult medical inpatients, we will review the evidence and seek to address the causes, consequences and possible corrective measures in this common scenario.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Among patients with cancer, a comorbid mental disorder is associated with higher mortality. This could be partially attributed to reduced access to oncological care, sometimes due to treatment refusal. Recommendations were issued in 2018 by the French and Francophone Society of Psycho-Oncology concerning the management of oncological treatment refusal. This study aimed to examine oncology residents\' view on psychiatric assessment in this context.
    METHODS: In February 2021, we conducted a descriptive, observational, cross-sectional pilot study among French residents involved in oncology regarding their management of cancer treatment refusal and the importance they assign to psychiatric assessment, using an online questionnaire with 12 multiple-choice questions.
    RESULTS: Among 87 respondents, only 35.6% systematically explore the history of mental disorders when facing cancer treatment refusal. Even in cases with a known history of mental disorders, only 42.5% systematically refer the patient to a psychiatrist. 96.5% of them were unaware of the 2018 recommendations.
    CONCLUSIONS: The importance given to psychiatric assessment in cases of oncological treatment refusal remains insufficient. Qualitative studies are needed to understand the underlying reasons for this refusal. The development of psychiatric consultation-liaison interventions in oncology centers is necessary to improve the management of these cases and provide appropriate training.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The case of \"a multimillionaire who was sent to a psychiatric hospital after an argument with his son\" has sparked heated debate in the Chinese mainland. This incident is particularly significant as 2023 marks the 10th anniversary of the implementation of the Mental Health Law of the People\'s Republic of China. The focus of the ongoing debate, as brought to light by the aforementioned case, is centered on the right to refuse treatment for patients with mental disorders.
    UNASSIGNED: This paper is a post-hoc study with a systematic analysis of literature and cases. To ascertain the relationship between the right to refuse treatment for patients with mental disorders and the Mental Health Law, the authors identified key information and data from both official government websites and reliable non-governmental information.
    UNASSIGNED: Both literature and practice have proven that the compulsory hospitalization rule under the Mental Health Law is a denial of the right to refuse treatment for patients who are compulsorily hospitalized. In the absence of changes to the law, compulsory hospitalization will inevitably lead to compulsory treatment in the Chinese mainland.
    UNASSIGNED: According to the human dignity and self-determination right established in the Constitution of the People\'s Republic of China, patients who are compulsorily hospitalized have the right to refuse treatment. In the absence of a change in the law, given that no neutral review mechanism has been established for such patients and their treatment in the mainland, setting up an internal review mechanism is a more feasible way of protecting the right to refuse treatment for patients with mental disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    During pandemics, healthcare providers struggle with balancing obligations to self, family, and patients. While HIV/AIDS seemed to settle this issue, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) rekindled debates regarding treatment refusal. We searched MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL Complete, and Web of Science using terms including obligation, refusal, HIV/AIDS, COVID-19, and pandemics. After duplicate removal and dual, independent screening, we analyzed 156 articles for quality, ethical position, reasons, and concepts. Diseases in our sample included HIV/AIDS (72.2%), severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) (10.2%), COVID-19 (10.2%), Ebola (7.0%), and influenza (7.0%). Most articles (81.9%, n = 128) indicated an obligation to treat. COVID-19 had the highest number of papers indicating ethical acceptability of refusal (60%, P < .001), while HIV had the least (13.3%, P = .026). Several reason domains were significantly different during COVID-19, including unreasonable risks to self/family (26.7%, P < .001) and labor rights/workers\' protection (40%, P < .001). A surge in ethics literature during COVID-19 has advocated for permissibility of treatment refusal. Balancing healthcare provision with workforce protection is crucial in effectively responding to a global pandemic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    AbstractA 29-year-old female East African refugee with no formal psychiatric history and a medical history significant for HIV was admitted for failure to thrive and concern for bizarre behavior in the context of abandonment by her husband and separation from her child. After psychiatric evaluation, it was determined that she did not have the capacity to care for herself independently; adult protective services then pursued and was awarded guardianship. While admitted, the patient repeatedly refused medical treatment, had a feeding tube placed for forced nutrition and medications (though she did at one point remove this tube herself), and received two electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) treatments. Soon thereafter, the patient\'s court-appointed guardian met with the primary medical, psychiatric, and ethics teams to discuss goals of care in the setting of complex social and cultural needs. It was collectively determined that the patient\'s choices to refuse care (including nutrition, lab work, medications, and ECT) and some repeated behaviors (e.g., denial of divorce, denial of HIV, denial of need for care) could be considered culturally appropriate in the context of the acute stressors leading up to hospitalizations. All teams concluded, therefore, that the patient had the capacity to refuse these interventions and that further forced intervention would pose a greater chance of exacerbating her already-significant trauma history than improving her outcomes. Ultimately, the patient was able to be discharged into the care of her guardian, who would assist her in receiving support from members of her community who share her language and culture.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Against Medical Advice (AMA) discharges pose significant challenges to the healthcare system, straining patient-clinician relationships while contributing to avoidable morbidity and mortality. Furthermore, though these discharges culminate in patients\' departure from hospitals, their effects reverberate long after, propagated by clinician notes stored in patients\' medical records. These notes capture exceptionally fraught interactions between patients and providers, describing the circumstances surrounding breakdowns in clinical relationships. Additionally, they represent just one side of complex, contentious social interactions, for in describing AMA discharges, clinician notewriters quite literally have the last word. For these reasons, notes documenting AMA discharges provide insight into the ways in which clinicians conceptualize, characterize, and propagate power differentials in the contemporary healthcare system. Here, we present a qualitative thematic analysis of 185 notes documenting AMA discharges from a large urban US medical center, interpreting note dynamics through three sociological models of power analysis: (i) the distributive model of power promulgated by Max Weber, (ii) the collectivist power model characterized by Talcott Parsons and Hannah Arendt, and (iii) structural interpretations of power developed by Michel Foucault. We argue that in documenting AMA discharges, clinicians appear to conceive of their relationship with patients in almost exclusively distributive terms, which in turn contributes to an adversarial dynamic whereby both patients and clinicians ultimately suffer disempowerment. We furthermore argue that by facilitating clinicians\' recognition of power\'s collectivist and structural dimensions, we may help transform breakdowns in patient-clinician relationships into opportunities for collaboration.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Vitamin K is an essential dietary cofactor required for the synthesis of active forms of vitamin K-dependent procoagulant proteins. Vitamin K deficiency, particularly late-onset deficiency occurring between 1 week and 6 months of age, can cause a life-threatening bleeding disorder. An exclusively breastfed, full-term, 6-week-old infant male presented with severe haemorrhagic shock and multi-system organ failure related to caregiver refusal of intramuscular vitamin K after birth. Coagulation studies were normalised within 8 hours of intramuscular vitamin K administration. An increasing number of caregivers are refusing intramuscular vitamin K which has led to a rise in the incidence of vitamin K deficiency bleeding. Health policy organisations around the world emphasise the benefits of intramuscular vitamin K and risks of refusal, particularly in exclusively breastfed infants who are at higher risk due to low vitamin K levels in breast milk. This case highlights the multi-system severity of this life-threatening yet preventable disorder.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The aim of the study was to explore, in one remote hospital, emergency department healthcare providers\' experience and perceptions of the factors surrounding a patient\'s decision to discharge against medical advice (DAMA). The secondary objective was to gain insight into staff experiences of the current protocols for managing DAMA cases and explore their recommendations for reducing DAMA incidence.
    METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study involving a survey and semi-structured interviews exploring healthcare providers\' (n=19) perceptions of factors perceived to be influencing DAMA, current practice for managing DAMA and recommendations for practice improvements. Health professionals (doctors, nurses, Aboriginal Health Workers) all worked in the emergency department of a remote community hospital, Queensland, Australia. Responses relating to influencing factors for DAMA were provided on a three-point rating scale from \'no influence/little influence\' to \'very strong influence\'. DAMA management protocol responses were a three-point rating scale from \'rarely/never\' to \'always\'. Semi-structured interviews were conducted after the survey and explored participants\' perceptions in greater detail and current DAMA management protocol.
    RESULTS: Feedback from the total of 19 participants across the professions presented four prominent yet interconnected themes: patient, culture, health service and health provider, and health literacy and education-related factors. Factors that were perceived to have a strong influence on DAMA events included alcohol and drug abuse (100%), a lack of culturally sensitive healthcare services (94.7%), and family commitments or obligations (89.5%). Healthcare provider recommendations for preventing DAMA presented themes of right communication, culturally safe care (right place, right time) and the right staff to support DAMA prevention. The healthcare providers described the pivotal role the Indigenous Liaison Officer (ILO) plays and the importance of this position being filled.
    CONCLUSIONS: DAMA is a multifaceted issue, influenced by both personal and hospital system-related factors. Participants agreed that the presence of ILO and/or Aboriginal Health Workers in the emergency department may reduce DAMA occurrences for Indigenous Australians who are disproportionately represented in DAMA rates, particularly in rural and remote regions of Australia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In this case-control study, the authors examined the relationship between untreated caries in children and parent fluoride treatment refusal. The authors hypothesized that parents of children with a history of untreated caries would be less likely to refuse topical fluoride for their children than parents of children with no history of untreated caries.
    METHODS: The study included children (≤ 18 years old) who were patients at a university dental clinic from January 2016 through June 2020. Children whose parents refused fluoride treatment were age-matched with children whose parents did not refuse fluoride treatment (n = 356). The outcome variable was parent topical fluoride refusal for their children (no, yes). The predictor variable was a history of untreated caries (no, yes). Confounding variable-adjusted modified Poisson regression models were used to estimate the prevalence ratio of parent fluoride refusal by means of children\'s untreated caries status.
    RESULTS: Approximately 46.3% of children had a history of untreated caries. The prevalence of parent fluoride refusal for children with a history of untreated caries was significantly lower than that for children with no history of untreated caries (adjusted prevalence ratio, 0.79; 95% CI, 0.64 to 0.98; P = .03).
    CONCLUSIONS: Parents of children with a history of caries are less likely to refuse topical fluoride treatment, which suggests that untreated caries may motivate parents to accept preventive dental treatments like fluoride.
    CONCLUSIONS: Dental care professionals should assess caries risk and communicate a child\'s caries risk before making a recommendation regarding topical fluoride treatment.





