Temporal lobe

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our brains create new memories by capturing the \'who/what\', \'where\' and \'when\' of everyday experiences. On a neuronal level, mechanisms facilitating a successful transfer into episodic memory are still unclear. We investigated this by measuring single neuron activity in the human medial temporal lobe during encoding of item-location associations. While previous research has found predictive effects in population activity in human MTL structures, we could attribute such effects to two specialized sub-groups of neurons: concept cells in the hippocampus, amygdala and entorhinal cortex (EC), and a second group of parahippocampal location-selective neurons. In both item- and location-selective populations, firing rates were significantly higher during successfully encoded trials. These findings are in line with theories of hippocampal indexing, since selective index neurons may act as pointers to neocortical representations. Overall, activation of distinct populations of neurons could directly support the connection of the \'what\' and \'where\' of episodic memory.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Across the animal kingdom, neural responses in the auditory cortex are suppressed during vocalization, and humans are no exception. A common hypothesis is that suppression increases sensitivity to auditory feedback, enabling the detection of vocalization errors. This hypothesis has been previously confirmed in non-human primates, however a direct link between auditory suppression and sensitivity in human speech monitoring remains elusive. To address this issue, we obtained intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG) recordings from 35 neurosurgical participants during speech production. We first characterized the detailed topography of auditory suppression, which varied across superior temporal gyrus (STG). Next, we performed a delayed auditory feedback (DAF) task to determine whether the suppressed sites were also sensitive to auditory feedback alterations. Indeed, overlapping sites showed enhanced responses to feedback, indicating sensitivity. Importantly, there was a strong correlation between the degree of auditory suppression and feedback sensitivity, suggesting suppression might be a key mechanism that underlies speech monitoring. Further, we found that when participants produced speech with simultaneous auditory feedback, posterior STG was selectively activated if participants were engaged in a DAF paradigm, suggesting that increased attentional load can modulate auditory feedback sensitivity.
    The brain lowers its response to inputs we generate ourselves, such as moving or speaking. Essentially, our brain ‘knows’ what will happen next when we carry out these actions, and therefore does not need to react as strongly as it would to unexpected events. This is why we cannot tickle ourselves, and why the brain does not react as much to our own voice as it does to someone else’s. Quieting down the brain’s response also allows us to focus on things that are new or important without getting distracted by our own movements or sounds. Studies in non-human primates showed that neurons in the auditory cortex (the region of the brain responsible for processing sound) displayed suppressed levels of activity when the animals made sounds. Interestingly, when the primates heard an altered version of their own voice, many of these same neurons became more active. But it was unclear whether this also happens in humans. To investigate, Ozker et al. used a technique called electrocorticography to record neural activity in different regions of the human brain while participants spoke. The results showed that most areas of the brain involved in auditory processing showed suppressed activity when individuals were speaking. However, when people heard an altered version of their own voice which had an unexpected delay, those same areas displayed increased activity. In addition, Ozker et al. found that the higher the level of suppression in the auditory cortex, the more sensitive these areas were to changes in a person’s speech. These findings suggest that suppressing the brain’s response to self-generated speech may help in detecting errors during speech production. Speech deficits are common in various neurological disorders, such as stuttering, Parkinson’s disease, and aphasia. Ozker et al. hypothesize that these deficits may arise because individuals fail to suppress activity in auditory regions of the brain, causing a struggle when detecting and correcting errors in their own speech. However, further experiments are needed to test this theory.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The medial temporal lobe (MTL) is a hotspot for neuropathology, and measurements of MTL atrophy are often used as a biomarker for cognitive decline associated with neurodegenerative disease. Due to the aggregation of multiple proteinopathies in this region, the specific relationship of MTL atrophy to distinct neuropathologies is not well understood. Here, we develop two quantitative algorithms using deep learning to measure phosphorylated tau (p-tau) and TDP-43 (pTDP-43) pathology, which are both known to accumulate in the MTL and are associated with MTL neurodegeneration. We focus on these pathologies in the context of Alzheimer\'s disease (AD) and limbic predominant age-related TDP-43 encephalopathy (LATE) and apply our deep learning algorithms to distinct histology sections, on which MTL subregions were digitally annotated. We demonstrate that both quantitative pathology measures show high agreement with expert visual ratings of pathology and discriminate well between pathology stages. In 140 cases with antemortem MR imaging, we compare the association of semi-quantitative and quantitative postmortem measures of these pathologies in the hippocampus with in vivo structural measures of the MTL and its subregions. We find widespread associations of p-tau pathology with MTL subregional structural measures, whereas pTDP-43 pathology had more limited associations with the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex. Quantitative measurements of p-tau pathology resulted in a significantly better model of antemortem structural measures than semi-quantitative ratings and showed strong associations with cortical thickness and volume. By providing a more granular measure of pathology, the quantitative p-tau measures also showed a significant negative association with structure in a severe AD subgroup where semi-quantitative ratings displayed a ceiling effect. Our findings demonstrate the advantages of using quantitative neuropathology to understand the relationship of pathology to structure, particularly for p-tau, and motivate the use of quantitative pathology measurements in future studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study aimed to describe the cortical connectivity of a sector located in the ventral bank of the superior temporal sulcus in the macaque (intermediate area TEa and TEm [TEa/m]), which appears to represent the major source of output of the ventral visual stream outside the temporal lobe. The retrograde tracer wheat germ agglutinin was injected in the intermediate TEa/m in four macaque monkeys. The results showed that 58-78% of labeled cells were located within ventral visual stream areas other than the TE complex. Outside the ventral visual stream, there were connections with the memory-related medial temporal area 36 and the parahippocampal cortex, orbitofrontal areas involved in encoding subjective values of stimuli for action selection, and eye- or hand-movement related parietal (LIP, AIP, and SII), prefrontal (12r, 45A, and 45B) areas, and a hand-related dysgranular insula field. Altogether these data provide a solid substrate for the engagement of the ventral visual stream in large scale cortical networks for skeletomotor or oculomotor control. Accordingly, the role of the ventral visual stream could go beyond pure perceptual processes and could be also finalized to the neural mechanisms underlying the control of voluntary motor behavior.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The anxiolytic effect of oxytocin (OXT) on psychosocial stress has been well documented, but the effectiveness under the interference of other factors still requires in-depth research. Previous studies have shown that nicotine addiction interacts with OXT on psychosocial stress on the behavioral level. However, the underlying neural mechanism of interaction between OXT and nicotine addiction on psychosocial stress has not been examined, and we conducted two experiments to reveal it. Firstly, after intranasal administration of randomized OXT or placebo (saline), a group of healthy participants (n = 27) and a group of smokers (n = 26) completed the Montreal Imaging Stress Task (MIST) in an MRI scanner. Secondly, a group of smokers (n = 22) was recruited to complete a transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) experiment, in which anodal tDCS was applied on subjects\' anterior right superior temporal gyrus (rSTG). In both experiment, subjective stress ratings, salivary cortisol samples and the amount of daily cigarette consumption were obtained from each participant. Analysis of variance were applied on both behavioral and neural data to examine the effects of OXT and nicotine addiction, and correlation analysis were used to examine relationships between neural and behavioral data. In first fMRI experiment, analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed an interaction of OXT and nicotine addiction on subjective stress. In smokers, OXT failed to suppress the elevation of subjective stress and craving ratings after psychosocial stress. A voxel-wise ANOVA of fMRI data identified an interaction between OXT and nicotine addiction in anterior rSTG, and its functional connectivity with right middle frontal gyrus. Correlations between this functional connectivity and subjective psychosocial stress were also found abnormal in smokers. In second tDCS experiment, we found that under tDCS, OXT successfully suppressed the elevation of subjective stress and craving ratings after stress. In summary, we found that nicotine addiction blocked OXT\'s anxiolytic on psychosocial stress, which was related to abnormalities in anterior rSTG. By applying anodal tDCS on anterior rSTG, OXT\'s anxiolytic effect was restored in smokers. These findings will support further development on oxytocin\'s intervention of psychosocial stress in nicotine addiction, and provides essential information for indicating OXT\'s effectiveness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Complex visual stimuli evoke diverse patterns of gaze, but previous research suggests that their neural representations are shared across brains. Here, we used hyperalignment to compare visual responses between observers viewing identical stimuli. We find that individual eye movements enhance cortical visual responses but also lead to representational divergence. Pairwise differences in the spatial distribution of gaze and in semantic salience predict pairwise representational divergence in V1 and inferior temporal cortex, respectively. This suggests that individual gaze sculpts individual visual worlds.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Sarcomatoid renal cell carcinoma typically signifies an exceptionally poor prognosis, with patients rarely surviving beyond one year. An 83-year-old male presented to our hospital with complaints of headache and left-sided limb weakness. Computed tomography (CT) scans of the head and lungs disclosed a mass within the right temporal lobe, accompanied by peritumoral edema in the right cerebral hemisphere. Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with contrast enhancement and diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) delineated a mass in the right temporal lobe, measuring 3 × 3 × 3 cm. He underwent cytoreductive surgery successively in the neurosurgery and urology departments. Despite experiencing postoperative tumour recurrence, the patient has lived close to four years to date. This case report illustrates that cytoreductive surgery combined with systemic pharmacotherapy can still confer significant survival benefits for elderly patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is the most common form of drug-resistant epilepsy. A major focus of human and animal studies on TLE network has been the limbic circuit. However, there is also evidence suggesting an active role of the basal ganglia in the propagation and control of temporal lobe seizures. Here, we characterize the involvement of the substantia nigra (SN) and somatosensory cortex (SI) during temporal lobe (TL) seizures induced by penicillin injection in the hippocampus (HPC) of two nonhuman primates. The seizure onset and offset patterns were manually classified and spectral power and coherence were calculated. We then compared the 3-second segments recorded in pre-ictal, onset, offset and post-ictal periods based on the seizure onset and offset patterns. Our results demonstrated an involvement of the SN and SI dependent on the seizure onset and offset pattern. We found that low amplitude fast activity (LAF) and high amplitude slow activity (HAS) onset patterns were associated with an increase in activity of the SN while the change in activity was limited to LAF seizures in the SI. However, the increase in HPC/SN coherence was specific to the farther-spreading LAF onset pattern. As for the role of the SN in seizure cessation, we observed that the coherence between the HPC/SN was reduced during burst suppression (BS) compared to other termination phases. Additionally, we found that this coherence returned to normal levels after the seizure ended, with no significant difference in post-ictal periods among the three types of seizure offsets. This study constitutes the first demonstration of TL seizures entraining the SN in the primate brain. Moreover, these findings provide evidence that this entrainment is dependent on the onset and offset pattern and support the hypothesis that the SN might play a role in the maintenance and termination of some specific temporal lobe seizure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The visual word form area in the occipitotemporal sulcus (here OTS-words) is crucial for reading and shows a preference for text stimuli. We hypothesized that this text preference may be driven by lexical processing. Hence, we performed three fMRI experiments (n = 15), systematically varying participants\' task and stimulus, and separately evaluated middle mOTS-words and posterior pOTS-words. Experiment 1 contrasted text with other visual stimuli to identify both OTS-words subregions. Experiment 2 utilized an fMRI adaptation paradigm, presenting compound words as texts or emojis. In experiment 3, participants performed a lexical or color judgment task on compound words in text or emoji format. In experiment 2, pOTS-words, but not mOTS-words, showed fMRI adaptation for compound words in both formats. In experiment 3, both subregions showed higher responses to compound words in emoji format. Moreover, mOTS-words showed higher responses during the lexical judgment task and a task-stimulus interaction. Multivariate analyses revealed that distributed responses in pOTS-words encode stimulus and distributed responses in mOTS-words encode stimulus and task. Together, our findings suggest that the function of the OTS-words subregions goes beyond the specific visual processing of text and that these regions are flexibly recruited whenever semantic meaning needs to be assigned to visual input.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Congruent visual speech improves speech perception accuracy, particularly in noisy environments. Conversely, mismatched visual speech can alter what is heard, leading to an illusory percept that differs from the auditory and visual components, known as the McGurk effect. While prior transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and neuroimaging studies have identified the left posterior superior temporal sulcus (pSTS) as a causal region involved in the generation of the McGurk effect, it remains unclear whether this region is critical only for this illusion or also for the more general benefits of congruent visual speech (e.g., increased accuracy and faster reaction times). Indeed, recent correlative research suggests that the benefits of congruent visual speech and the McGurk effect rely on largely independent mechanisms. To better understand how these different features of audiovisual integration are causally generated by the left pSTS, we used single-pulse TMS to temporarily disrupt processing within this region while subjects were presented with either congruent or incongruent (McGurk) audiovisual combinations. Consistent with past research, we observed that TMS to the left pSTS reduced the strength of the McGurk effect. Importantly, however, left pSTS stimulation had no effect on the positive benefits of congruent audiovisual speech (increased accuracy and faster reaction times), demonstrating a causal dissociation between the two processes. Our results are consistent with models proposing that the pSTS is but one of multiple critical areas supporting audiovisual speech interactions. Moreover, these data add to a growing body of evidence suggesting that the McGurk effect is an imperfect surrogate measure for more general and ecologically valid audiovisual speech behaviors.





