Motor cortex

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Episodic memory (EM) allows us to remember and relive past events and experiences and has been linked to cortical-hippocampal reinstatement of encoding activity. While EM is fundamental to establish a sense of self across time, this claim and its link to the sense of agency (SoA), based on bodily signals, has not been tested experimentally. Using real-time sensorimotor stimulation, immersive virtual reality, and fMRI we manipulated the SoA and report stronger hippocampal reinstatement for scenes encoded under preserved SoA, reflecting recall performance in a recognition task. We link SoA to EM showing that hippocampal reinstatement is coupled with reinstatement in premotor cortex, a key SoA region. We extend these findings in a severe amnesic patient whose memory lacked the normal dependency on the SoA. Premotor-hippocampal coupling in EM describes how a key aspect of the bodily self at encoding is neurally reinstated during the retrieval of past episodes, enabling a sense of self across time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) is known to be present in a subclass of cortical interneurons. Here, using three different antibodies, we demonstrate that VIP is also present in the giant layer 5 pyramidal (Betz) neurons which are characteristic of the limb and axial representations of the marmoset primary motor cortex (cytoarchitectural area 4ab). No VIP staining was observed in smaller layer 5 pyramidal cells present in the primary motor facial representation (cytoarchitectural area 4c), or in the premotor cortex (e.g. the caudal subdivision of the dorsal premotor cortex, A6DC), indicating the selective expression of VIP in Betz cells. VIP in Betz cells was colocalized with neuronal specific marker (NeuN) and a calcium-binding protein parvalbumin (PV). PV also intensely labelled axon terminals surrounding Betz cell somata. VIP-positive interneurons were more abundant in the superficial cortical layers and constituted about 5-7% of total cortical neurons, with the highest density observed in area 4c. Our results demonstrate the expression of VIP in the largest excitatory neurons of the primate cortex, which may offer new functional insights into the role of VIP in the brain, and provide opportunities for genetic manipulation of Betz cells.






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The role of the cerebral cortex in self-initiated versus sensory-driven movements is central to understanding volitional action. Whether the differences in these two movement classes are due to specific cortical areas versus more cortex-wide engagement is debated. Using wide-field Ca2+ imaging, we compared neural dynamics during spontaneous and motorized treadmill locomotion, determining the similarities and differences in cortex-wide activation and functional connectivity (FC). During motorized locomotion, the cortex exhibits greater activation globally prior to and during locomotion starting compared to spontaneous and less during steady-state walking, during stopping, and after termination. Both conditions are characterized by FC increases in anterior secondary motor cortex (M2) nodes and decreases in all other regions. There are also cortex-wide differences; most notably, M2 decreases in FC with all other nodes during motorized stopping and after termination. Therefore, both internally- and externally-generated movements widely engage the cortex, with differences represented in cortex-wide activation and FC patterns.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Magnetic seizure therapy (MST) is more benign than electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in terms of cognitive impairment. However, whether these two \'artificial seizures\' facilitate the central motor neural pathway and the motor cortical effects have not been investigated. The study aimed to compare the effects of ECT and MST on motor-evoked potential (MEP) in patients with mental disorders.
    UNASSIGNED: Forty-nine patients with mental disorders (major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder type II and schizophrenia [SCZ]) received 6 treatment sessions of vertex MST versus 6 bifrontal ECT treatments in a nonrandomized comparative clinical design. Data on the duration of motor seizures were collected for each treatment. MEP latency and the resting motor threshold (rMT) were measured at baseline and after every two treatments. Comparisons were performed between or within the groups.
    UNASSIGNED: Seizure durations were significantly longer in the ECT group compared to the MST group across multiple sessions. Both MST and ECT demonstrated a significant reduction in rMT in the left and right hemispheres after the fourth (T3) and sixth treatments (T4) compared to baseline (T1). However, there were no significant changes in MEP latency within or between the groups throughout the treatment sessions. The only difference was that the rMT in the left cerebral hemisphere was significantly lower after T4 than after the second treatment (T2). There was no difference in rMT between the ECT and MST groups.
    UNASSIGNED: Both ECT and MST facilitate the central motor pathway, with a shared mechanism of increased motor cortex excitability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) interventions could feasibly treat stroke-related motor impairments, but their effects are highly variable. Brain state-dependent TMS approaches are a promising solution to this problem, but inter-individual variation in lesion location and oscillatory dynamics can make translating them to the poststroke brain challenging. Personalized brain state-dependent approaches specifically designed to address these challenges are therefore needed.
    METHODS: As a first step towards this goal, we tested a novel machine learning-based EEG-TMS system that identifies personalized brain activity patterns reflecting strong and weak corticospinal tract (CST) output (strong and weak CST states) in healthy adults in real-time. Participants completed a single-session study that included the acquisition of a TMS-EEG-EMG training dataset, personalized classifier training, and real-time EEG-informed single pulse TMS during classifier-predicted personalized CST states.
    RESULTS: MEP amplitudes elicited in real-time during personalized strong CST states were significantly larger than those elicited during personalized weak and random CST states. MEP amplitudes elicited in real-time during personalized strong CST states were also significantly less variable than those elicited during personalized weak CST states. Personalized CST states lasted for ~1-2 seconds at a time and ~1 second elapsed between consecutive similar states. Individual participants exhibited unique differences in spectro-spatial EEG patterns between personalized strong and weak CST states.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results show for the first time that personalized whole-brain EEG activity patterns predict CST activation in real-time in healthy humans. These findings represent a pivotal step towards using personalized brain state-dependent TMS interventions to promote poststroke CST function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Using delay differential equations to study mathematical models of Parkinson\'s disease and Huntington\'s disease is important to show how important it is for synchronization between basal ganglia loops to work together. We used the delay circuit RLC (resistor, inductor, capacitor) model to show how the direct pathway and the indirect pathway in the basal ganglia excite and inhibit the motor cortex, respectively. A term has been added to the mathematical model without time delay in the case of the hyperdirect pathway. It is proposed to add a non-linear term to adjust the synchronization. We studied Hopf bifurcation conditions for the proposed models. The desynchronization of response times between the direct pathway and the indirect pathway leads to different symptoms of Parkinson\'s disease. Tremor appears when the response time in the indirect pathway increases at rest. The simulation confirmed that tremor occurs and the motor cortex is in an inhibited state. The direct pathway can increase the time delay in the dopaminergic pathway, which significantly increases the activity of the motor cortex. The hyperdirect pathway regulates the activity of the motor cortex. The simulation showed bradykinesia occurs when we switch from one movement to another that is less exciting for the motor cortex. A decrease of GABA in the striatum or delayed excitation of the substantia nigra from the subthalamus may be a major cause of Parkinson\'s disease. An increase in the response time delay in one of the pathways results in the chaotic movement characteristic of Huntington\'s disease.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Stroke is an acute cerebrovascular disease in which sudden interruption of blood supply to the brain or rupture of cerebral blood vessels cause damage to brain cells and consequently impair the patient\'s motor and cognitive abilities. A novel rehabilitation training model integrating brain-computer interface (BCI) and virtual reality (VR) not only promotes the functional activation of brain networks, but also provides immersive and interesting contextual feedback for patients. In this paper, we designed a hand rehabilitation training system integrating multi-sensory stimulation feedback, BCI and VR, which guides patients\' motor imaginations through the tasks of the virtual scene, acquires patients\' motor intentions, and then carries out human-computer interactions under the virtual scene. At the same time, haptic feedback is incorporated to further increase the patients\' proprioceptive sensations, so as to realize the hand function rehabilitation training based on the multi-sensory stimulation feedback of vision, hearing, and haptic senses. In this study, we compared and analyzed the differences in power spectral density of different frequency bands within the EEG signal data before and after the incorporation of haptic feedback, and found that the motor brain area was significantly activated after the incorporation of haptic feedback, and the power spectral density of the motor brain area was significantly increased in the high gamma frequency band. The results of this study indicate that the rehabilitation training of patients with the VR-BCI hand function enhancement rehabilitation system incorporating multi-sensory stimulation can accelerate the two-way facilitation of sensory and motor conduction pathways, thus accelerating the rehabilitation process.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The efficiency of motor skill acquisition is age-dependent, making it increasingly challenging to learn complex manoeuvres later in life. Zebra finches, for instance, acquire a complex vocal motor programme during a developmental critical period after which the learned song is essentially impervious to modification. Although inhibitory interneurons are implicated in critical period closure, it is unclear whether manipulating them can reopen heightened motor plasticity windows. Using pharmacology and a cell-type specific optogenetic approach, we manipulated inhibitory neuron activity in a premotor area of adult zebra finches beyond their critical period. When exposed to auditory stimulation in the form of novel songs, manipulated birds added new vocal syllables to their stable song sequence. By lifting inhibition in a premotor area during sensory experience, we reintroduced vocal plasticity, promoting an expansion of the syllable repertoire without compromising pre-existing song production. Our findings provide insights into motor skill learning capacities, offer potential for motor recovery after injury, and suggest avenues for treating neurodevelopmental disorders involving inhibitory dysfunctions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transcranial temporal interference stimulation (tTIS) is a promising brain stimulation method that can target deep brain regions by delivering an interfering current from surface electrodes. Most instances of tTIS stimulate the brain with a single-frequency sinusoidal waveform generated by wave interference. Theta burst stimulation is an effective stimulation scheme that can modulate neuroplasticity by generating long-term potentiation- or depression-like effects. To broaden tTIS application, we developed a theta burst protocol using tTIS technique to modulate neuroplasticity in rats. Two cannula electrodes were unilaterally implanted into the intact skull over the primary motor cortex. Electrical field of temporal interference envelopes generated by tTIS through cannula electrodes were recorded from primary motor cortex. Theta burst schemes were characterized, and motor activation induced by the stimulation was also evaluated simultaneously by observing electromyographic signals from the corresponding brachioradialis muscle. After validating the stimulation scheme, we further tested the modulatory effects of theta burst stimulation delivered by tTIS and by conventional transcranial electrical stimulation on primary motor cortex excitability. Changes in the amplitude of motor evoked potentials, elicited when the primary motor cortex was activated by electrical pulses, were measured before and after theta burst stimulation by both techniques. Significant potentiation and suppression were found at 15 to 30 min after the intermittent and continuous theta burst stimulation delivered using tTIS, respectively. However, comparing to theta burst stimulations delivered using conventional form of transcranial electrical stimulation, using tTIS expressed no significant difference in modulating motor evoked potential amplitudes. Sham treatment from both methods had no effect on changing the motor evoked potential amplitude. The present study demonstrated the feasibility of using tTIS to achieve a theta burst stimulation scheme for motor cortical neuromodulation. These findings also indicated the future potential of using tTIS to carry out theta burst stimulation protocols in deep-brain networks for modulating neuroplasticity.





