Medical history taking

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: History-taking is an essential clinical competency for qualified doctors. The limitations of the standardized patient (SP) in taking history can be addressed by the virtual standardized patient (VSP). This paper investigates the accuracy of virtual standardized patient simulators and evaluates the applicability of the improved system\'s accuracy for diagnostic teaching support and performance assessment.
    METHODS: Data from the application of VSP to medical residents and students were gathered for this prospective study. In a human-machine collaboration mode, students completed exams involving taking SP histories while VSP provided real-time scoring. Every participant had VSP and SP scores. Lastly, using the voice and text records as a guide, the technicians will adjust the system\'s intention recognition accuracy and speech recognition accuracy.
    RESULTS: The research revealed significant differences in scoring across several iterations of VSP and SP (p < 0.001). Across various clinical cases, there were differences in application accuracy for different versions of VSP (p < 0.001). Among training groups, the diarrhea case showed significant differences in speech recognition accuracy (Z = -2.719, p = 0.007) and intent recognition accuracy (Z = -2.406, p = 0.016). Scoring and intent recognition accuracy improved significantly after system upgrades.
    CONCLUSIONS: VSP has a comprehensive and detailed scoring system and demonstrates good scoring accuracy, which can be a valuable tool for history-taking training.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Radiologists frequently lack direct patient contact due to time constraints. Digital medical interview assistants aim to facilitate the collection of health information. In this paper, we propose leveraging conversational agents to realize a medical interview assistant to facilitate medical history taking, while at the same time offering patients the opportunity to ask questions on the examination.
    UNASSIGNED: MIA, the digital medical interview assistant, was developed using a person-based design approach, involving patient opinions and expert knowledge during the design and development with a specific use case in collecting information before a mammography examination. MIA consists of two modules: the interview module and the question answering module (Q&A). To ensure interoperability with clinical information systems, we use HL7 FHIR to store and exchange the results collected by MIA during the patient interaction. The system was evaluated according to an existing evaluation framework that covers a broad range of aspects related to the technical quality of a conversational agent including usability, but also accessibility and security.
    UNASSIGNED: Thirty-six patients recruited from two Swiss hospitals (Lindenhof group and Inselspital, Bern) and two patient organizations conducted the usability test. MIA was favorably received by the participants, who particularly noted the clarity of communication. However, there is room for improvement in the perceived quality of the conversation, the information provided, and the protection of privacy. The Q&A module achieved a precision of 0.51, a recall of 0.87 and an F-Score of 0.64 based on 114 questions asked by the participants. Security and accessibility also require improvements.
    UNASSIGNED: The applied person-based process described in this paper can provide best practices for future development of medical interview assistants. The application of a standardized evaluation framework helped in saving time and ensures comparability of results.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The two-way link between diabetes mellitus and periodontitis is well-recognised, that there is an increased risk of periodontitis for diabetics and is probably related to inflammatory reactions, although further work is required to confirm this hypothesis.Traditionally, dentists have asked their patients if they are diabetic with a simple yes/no question. As more people become diabetic and often have associated complex health problems, this is insufficient information. Glycated haemoglobin levels have been shown to be important in defining diabetic risks. Dentists should be aware of their significance and ask for these results as a matter of routine. More comprehensive questions are suggested.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    The prevalence of elder abuse and neglect is trending upward among American seniors, but physician reports of suspected maltreatment are not keeping pace. The most important step in management of elder abuse and neglect is making the diagnosis and reporting the suspicions to Adult Protective Services. This review presents a systematic approach for emergency department diagnosis of elder abuse and neglect, including a thorough history and physical examination combined with the use of standardized validated screening tools. To better assess and treat victims of suspected abuse, physicians can also employ a multidisciplinary team or recruit available resources in the hospital and the community, such as case managers, social workers, and primary care providers to create safety plans for at-risk elders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Considering that noise is present in different work environments, occupational health regulations have been created that advocate for the care of employees\' auditory system in these environments. Occupational hearing assessment should be performed by audiologists through audiological examinations, otoscopy, as well as an interview to assess possible risk factors for the development of hearing loss. However, up to the present moment, a standardized set of updated questions for this interview has not been defined.
    UNASSIGNED: To develop a clinical investigation instrument for occupational auditory health that provides support for clinical decision-making and differential diagnosis.
    UNASSIGNED: The study was conducted using Design Thinking as a methodological approach in its stages of inspiration (problem identification), ideation (theoretical foundation and protocol design), and prototyping (protocol construction).
    UNASSIGNED: This study was conducted with the objective of providing support for clinical decision-making and differential diagnosis of the auditory aspects of the assisted population. The Protocolo de Investigação Clínica da Saúde Auditiva Ocupacional was developed, consisting of six main sections that address medical history, lifestyle habits, exposure to non-occupational noise, work history, extra-auditory symptoms, and auditory and vestibular signs and symptoms, aimed at investigating workers\' auditory health and related aspects.
    UNASSIGNED: The developed instrument can be used for data collection and assist audiologists in the occupational health teams in diagnosis and decision-making processes.
    UNASSIGNED: Considerando que o ruído está presente em diferentes ambientes laborais, foram criadas normas regulamentadoras de saúde ocupacional que preconizam o cuidado com o sistema auditivo dos colaboradores destes ambientes. A avaliação auditiva ocupacional deve ser realizada pelo fonoaudiólogo através dos exames de audiometria e meatoscopia, além de uma entrevista para avaliar possíveis fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento de perdas auditivas. Entretanto, até o presente momento não foi definido um padrão de perguntas atualizado para esta entrevista.
    UNASSIGNED: Desenvolver um instrumento de investigação clínica da saúde auditiva ocupacional que ofereça suporte para tomadas de decisões clínicas e diagnóstico diferencial.
    UNASSIGNED: O estudo foi desenvolvido utilizando o design thinking como abordagem metodológica em suas etapas de inspiração (observada a problemática), ideação (fundamentação e delineamento teórico do protocolo) e prototipação (construção do protocolo).
    UNASSIGNED: Este estudo foi realizado objetivando oferecer suporte para tomadas de decisões clínicas e diagnóstico diferencial dos aspectos auditivos da população assistida. Foi desenvolvido o Protocolo de Investigação Clínica da Saúde Auditiva Ocupacional, composto de seis seções principais que abordam o histórico clínico, hábitos de vida, exposição a ruído extraocupacional, histórico laboral, sintomas extra-auditivos e sinais e sintomas auditivos e vestibulares, que visam investigar a saúde auditiva do trabalhador e aspectos relacionados a ela.
    UNASSIGNED: O instrumento desenvolvido poderá servir para a coleta de dados e auxílio para diagnóstico e tomada de decisões dos fonoaudiólogos das equipes de saúde ocupacional.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Although history taking is fundamental for diagnosing medical conditions, teaching and providing feedback on the skill can be challenging due to resource constraints. Virtual simulated patients and web-based chatbots have thus emerged as educational tools, with recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) such as large language models (LLMs) enhancing their realism and potential to provide feedback.
    OBJECTIVE: In our study, we aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT) 4 model to provide structured feedback on medical students\' performance in history taking with a simulated patient.
    METHODS: We conducted a prospective study involving medical students performing history taking with a GPT-powered chatbot. To that end, we designed a chatbot to simulate patients\' responses and provide immediate feedback on the comprehensiveness of the students\' history taking. Students\' interactions with the chatbot were analyzed, and feedback from the chatbot was compared with feedback from a human rater. We measured interrater reliability and performed a descriptive analysis to assess the quality of feedback.
    RESULTS: Most of the study\'s participants were in their third year of medical school. A total of 1894 question-answer pairs from 106 conversations were included in our analysis. GPT-4\'s role-play and responses were medically plausible in more than 99% of cases. Interrater reliability between GPT-4 and the human rater showed \"almost perfect\" agreement (Cohen κ=0.832). Less agreement (κ<0.6) detected for 8 out of 45 feedback categories highlighted topics about which the model\'s assessments were overly specific or diverged from human judgement.
    CONCLUSIONS: The GPT model was effective in providing structured feedback on history-taking dialogs provided by medical students. Although we unraveled some limitations regarding the specificity of feedback for certain feedback categories, the overall high agreement with human raters suggests that LLMs can be a valuable tool for medical education. Our findings, thus, advocate the careful integration of AI-driven feedback mechanisms in medical training and highlight important aspects when LLMs are used in that context.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Teaching medical students the skills required to acquire, interpret, apply, and communicate clinical information is an integral part of medical education. A crucial aspect of this process involves providing students with feedback regarding the quality of their free-text clinical notes.
    UNASSIGNED: The goal of this study was to assess the ability of ChatGPT 3.5, a large language model, to score medical students\' free-text history and physical notes.
    UNASSIGNED: This is a single-institution, retrospective study. Standardized patients learned a prespecified clinical case and, acting as the patient, interacted with medical students. Each student wrote a free-text history and physical note of their interaction. The students\' notes were scored independently by the standardized patients and ChatGPT using a prespecified scoring rubric that consisted of 85 case elements. The measure of accuracy was percent correct.
    UNASSIGNED: The study population consisted of 168 first-year medical students. There was a total of 14,280 scores. The ChatGPT incorrect scoring rate was 1.0%, and the standardized patient incorrect scoring rate was 7.2%. The ChatGPT error rate was 86%, lower than the standardized patient error rate. The ChatGPT mean incorrect scoring rate of 12 (SD 11) was significantly lower than the standardized patient mean incorrect scoring rate of 85 (SD 74; P=.002).
    UNASSIGNED: ChatGPT demonstrated a significantly lower error rate compared to standardized patients. This is the first study to assess the ability of a generative pretrained transformer (GPT) program to score medical students\' standardized patient-based free-text clinical notes. It is expected that, in the near future, large language models will provide real-time feedback to practicing physicians regarding their free-text notes. GPT artificial intelligence programs represent an important advance in medical education and medical practice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This cross-sectional study assessed physicians\' knowledge and attitudes toward occupational diseases, their practice of occupational history taking, and the associated factors and barriers.
    METHODS: From January 1 to June 30, 2023, Egyptian physicians from different specialties (n = 278) completed a questionnaire including sociodemographic and occupational data, questions measuring knowledge, attitudes, practice, and barriers.
    RESULTS: The significant predictor of low knowledge was the nonuse of a standard history form. The lack of undergraduate education/postgraduate training in occupational diseases was the predictor of unfavorable attitudes and poor practice. Unfavorable attitudes also predicted poor practice. The main barriers were insufficient knowledge and busy schedules.
    CONCLUSIONS: Different specialties physicians are essential in recognizing occupational diseases. They need to be knowledgeable about occupational diseases within their specialties. Specialized undergraduate and postgraduate training in this topic can help achieve such needs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prostate cancer (PCa) is a major cause of illness and death in men of Sub-Sahara African origin. The study assessed the pattern of PCa, the effect of family history on PSA at diagnosis, and clinical characteristics of PCa in Nigeria. A cross-sectional survey of 200 participants was performed within a 12-month period in Nigeria. Data were collected through patients\' interview and hospital records and analyzed using SPSS version 25. Descriptive and inferential statistics were performed. P values <.05 were significant. Mean age of 68.5 years was observed among the 200 study participants. Only 64 (32.0%) had a positive immediate family history of PCa, and 61 (30.5%) were not aware of their family cancer history. Most patients 140 (70.0%) had lower urinary tract symptom (LUTS)/lower back pain/leg pain, and the average Gleason score was 7.55 (±0.876). Symptoms of LUTS/lower back pain mostly occurred in patients between 58 and 79 years, while LUTS/leg pain was more common in persons between 60 and 84. Average PSA differed among participants; persons with no family cancer history (M = 143.989; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 114.849-173.129), family history of PCa (M = 165.463; 95% CI = 131.435), family history of cervical cancer (M = 133.456; 95% CI = 49.335-217.576), and persons with no knowledge of their family cancer history (M = 121.546; 95% CI = 89.234-153.857). Univariate one-way (F-Tests) showed that family history of cancer had no significant impact on patients\' PSA (R2 = 0.017; adjusted R2 = 0.002; df = 3; F = 1.154; p = .329) at diagnosis. PCa mostly occurred in men within 60 to 70 years of age, and family history of cancer did not predict PSA at diagnosis. Patients presented to health facilities at advanced or metastatic stages. These findings highlight the need for policies and strategies that encourage early PCa screening.





