Laser capture microdissection

  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Laser microdissection technology is favored by biomedical researchers for its ability to rapidly and accurately isolate target cells and tissues. However, the precision cutting capabilities of existing laser microdissection systems are hindered by limitations in overall mechanical movement accuracy, resulting in suboptimal cutting quality. Additionally, the use of current laser microdissection systems for target acquisition may lead to tissue burns and reduced acquisition rates due to inherent flaws in the capture methods. To address these challenges and achieve precise and efficient separation and capture of cellular tissues, we integrated a digital micromirror device (DMD) into the existing system optics to modulate spatial light. This allows the system to not only implement the traditional point scanning cutting method but also utilize the projection cutting method.We have successfully cut various patterns on commonly used laser microdissection materials such as PET films and mouse tissues. Under projection cutting mode, we were able to achieve precise cutting of special shapes with a diameter of 7.5 micrometers in a single pass, which improved cutting precision and efficiency. Furthermore, we employed a negative pressure adsorption method to efficiently collect target substances. This approach not only resulted in a single-pass capture rate exceeding 90% for targets of different sizes but also enabled simultaneous capture of multiple targets, overcoming the limitations of traditional single-target capture and enhancing target capture efficiency, and avoiding potential tissue damage from lasers.In summary, the integration of the digital micromirror device into laser microdissection systems significantly enhances cutting precision and efficiency, overcoming limitations of traditional systems. This advancement demonstrates the accuracy and effectiveness of laser microdissection systems in isolating and capturing biological tissues, highlighting their potential in medical applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Autoimmune related kidney diseases (ARKDs), including minimal change nephropathy (MCN), membranous nephropathy (MN), IgA nephropathy (IgAN), and lupus nephritis (LN), significantly affect renal function. These diseases are characterized by the formation of local immune complexes and the subsequent activation of the complement system, leading to kidney damage and proteinuria. Despite the known patterns of glomerular injury, the specific molecular mechanisms that contribute to renal tubular damage across ARKDs remain underexplored. Laser capture microdissection and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) were used to conduct a comparative proteomic analysis of renal tubular tissues from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded samples. The cohort comprised of 10 normal controls (NC), 5 MCN, 4 MN, 17 IgAN, and 21 LN patients. Clinical parameters and histopathological assessments were integrated with proteomic findings to comprehensively investigate underlying pathogenic processes. Clinical evaluation indicated significant glomerular damage, as reflected by elevated urinary protein levels and reduced plasma albumin levels in patients with ARKD. Histological analyses confirmed varying degrees of tubular damage and deposition of immune complexes. Proteomic analyses identified significant changes in protein expression, particularly in complement components (C3, C4A, C4B, C8G, CFB, and SERPINA1) and mitochondrial proteins (ATP5F1E and ATP5PD), highlighting the common alterations in the complement system and mitochondrial proteins across ARKDs. These alterations suggest a novel complement-mitochondrial-epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) pathway axis that contributes to tubular damage in ARKDs. Notably, significant alterations in CFB in tubular ARKD patients were revealed, implicating it as a therapeutic target. This study underscores the importance of complement activation and mitochondrial dysfunction in the pathogenesis of ARKDs, and proposes CFB as a potential therapeutic target to inhibit complement activation and mitigate tubular damage. Future research should validate the complement-mitochondrial-EMT pathway axis and explore the effects and mechanisms of CFB inhibitors in alleviating ARKD progression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We elucidated the molecular fingerprint of vulnerable excitatory neurons within select cortical lamina of individuals with Down syndrome (DS) for mechanistic understanding and therapeutic potential that also informs Alzheimer\'s disease (AD) pathophysiology. Frontal cortex (BA9) layer III (L3) and layer V (L5) pyramidal neurons were microisolated from postmortem human DS and age- and sex-matched controls (CTR) to interrogate differentially expressed genes (DEGs) and key biological pathways relevant to neurodegenerative programs. We identified > 2300 DEGs exhibiting convergent dysregulation of gene expression in both L3 and L5 pyramidal neurons in individuals with DS versus CTR subjects. DEGs included over 100 triplicated human chromosome 21 genes in L3 and L5 neurons, demonstrating a trisomic neuronal karyotype in both laminae. In addition, thousands of other DEGs were identified, indicating gene dysregulation is not limited to trisomic genes in the aged DS brain, which we postulate is relevant to AD pathobiology. Convergent L3 and L5 DEGs highlighted pertinent biological pathways and identified key pathway-associated targets likely underlying corticocortical neurodegeneration and related cognitive decline in individuals with DS. Select key DEGs were interrogated as potential hub genes driving dysregulation, namely the triplicated DEGs amyloid precursor protein (APP) and superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1), along with key signaling DEGs including mitogen activated protein kinase 1 and 3 (MAPK1, MAPK3) and calcium calmodulin dependent protein kinase II alpha (CAMK2A), among others. Hub DEGs determined from multiple pathway analyses identified potential therapeutic candidates for amelioration of cortical neuron dysfunction and cognitive decline in DS with translational relevance to AD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is increasing interest in developing in-depth proteomic approaches for mapping tissue heterogeneity in a cell-type-specific manner to better understand and predict the function of complex biological systems such as human organs. Existing spatially resolved proteomics technologies cannot provide deep proteome coverage due to limited sensitivity and poor sample recovery. Herein, we seamlessly combined laser capture microdissection with a low-volume sample processing technology that includes a microfluidic device named microPOTS (microdroplet processing in one pot for trace samples), multiplexed isobaric labeling, and a nanoflow peptide fractionation approach. The integrated workflow allowed us to maximize proteome coverage of laser-isolated tissue samples containing nanogram levels of proteins. We demonstrated that the deep spatial proteomics platform can quantify more than 5000 unique proteins from a small-sized human pancreatic tissue pixel (∼60,000 μm2) and differentiate unique protein abundance patterns in pancreas. Furthermore, the use of the microPOTS chip eliminated the requirement for advanced microfabrication capabilities and specialized nanoliter liquid handling equipment, making it more accessible to proteomic laboratories.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Archived tumor specimens are routinely preserved by formalin fixation and paraffin embedding. Despite the conventional wisdom that proteomics might be ineffective due to the cross-linking and pre-analytical variables, these samples have utility for both discovery and targeted proteomics. Building on this capability, proteomics approaches can be used to maximize our understanding of cancer biology and clinical relevance by studying preserved tumor tissues annotated with the patients\' medical histories. Proteomics of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues also integrates with histological evaluation and molecular pathology strategies, so that additional collection of research biopsies or resected tumor aliquots is not needed. The acquisition of data from the same tumor sample also overcomes concerns about biological variation between samples due to intratumoral heterogeneity. However, the protein extraction and proteomics sample preparation from FFPE samples can be onerous, particularly for small (i.e., limited or precious) samples. Therefore, we provide a protocol for a recently introduced kit-based EasyPep method with benchmarking against a modified version of the well-established filter-aided sample preparation strategy using laser-capture microdissected lung adenocarcinoma tissues from a genetically engineered mouse model. This model system allows control over the tumor preparation and pre-analytical variables while also supporting the development of methods for spatial proteomics to examine intratumoral heterogeneity. Data are posted in ProteomeXchange (PXD045879).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Combining proteogenomics with laser capture microdissection (LCM) in cancer research offers a targeted way to explore the intricate interactions between tumor cells and the different microenvironment components. This is especially important for immuno-oncology (IO) research where improvements in the predictability of IO-based drugs are sorely needed, and depends on a better understanding of the spatial relationships involving the tumor, blood supply, and immune cell interactions, in the context of their associated microenvironments. LCM is used to isolate and obtain distinct histological cell types, which may be routinely performed on complex and heterogeneous solid tumor specimens. Once cells have been captured, nucleic acids and proteins may be extracted for in-depth multimodality molecular profiling assays. Optimizing the minute tissue quantities from LCM captured cells is challenging. Following the isolation of nucleic acids, RNA-seq may be performed for gene expression and DNA sequencing performed for the discovery and analysis of actionable mutations, copy number variation, methylation profiles, etc. However, there remains a need for highly sensitive proteomic methods targeting small-sized samples. A significant part of this protocol is an enhanced liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS) analysis of micro-scale and/or nano-scale tissue sections. This is achieved with a silver-stained one-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (1D-SDS-PAGE) approach developed for LC-MS analysis of fresh-frozen tissue specimens obtained via LCM. Included is a detailed in-gel digestion method adjusted and specifically designed to maximize the proteome coverage from amount-limited LCM samples to better facilitate in-depth molecular profiling. Described is a proteogenomic approach leveraged from microdissected fresh frozen tissue. The protocols may also be applicable to other types of specimens having limited nucleic acids, protein quantity, and/or sample volume.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The subgenual anterior cingulate cortex (sgACC) is a critical site for understanding the neural correlates of affect and emotion. While the activity of the sgACC is functionally homogenous, it is comprised of multiple Brodmann Areas (BAs) that possess different cytoarchitectures. In some sgACC BAs, Layer 5 is sublaminated into L5a and L5b which has implications for its projection targets. To understand how the transcriptional profile differs between the BAs, layers, and sublayers of human sgACC, we collected layer strips using laser capture microdissection followed by RNA sequencing. We found no significant differences in transcript expression in these specific cortical layers between BAs within the sgACC. In contrast, we identified striking differences between Layers 3 and 5a or 5b that were concordant across sgACC BAs. We found that sublayers 5a and 5b were transcriptionally similar. Pathway analyses of L3 and L5 revealed overlapping biological processes related to synaptic function. However, L3 was enriched for pathways related to cell-to-cell junction and dendritic spines whereas L5 was enriched for pathways related to brain development and presynaptic function, indicating potential functional differences across layers. Our study provides important insight into normative transcriptional features of the sgACC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Individuals with Down syndrome (DS) have intellectual disability and develop Alzheimer\'s disease (AD) pathology during midlife, particularly in the hippocampal component of the medial temporal lobe memory circuit. However, molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying selective vulnerability of hippocampal CA1 neurons remains a major knowledge gap during DS/AD onset. This is compounded by evidence showing spatial (e.g., deep versus superficial) localization of pyramidal neurons (PNs) has profound effects on activity and innervation within the CA1 region.
    UNASSIGNED: We investigated whether there is a spatial profiling difference in CA1 PNs in an aged female DS/AD mouse model. We posit dysfunction may be dependent on spatial localization and innervation patterns within discrete CA1 subfields.
    UNASSIGNED: Laser capture microdissection was performed on trisomic CA1 PNs in an established mouse model of DS/AD compared to disomic controls, isolating the entire CA1 pyramidal neuron layer and sublayer microisolations of deep and superficial PNs from the distal CA1 (CA1a) region.
    UNASSIGNED: RNA sequencing and bioinformatic inquiry revealed dysregulation of CA1 PNs based on spatial location and innervation patterns. The entire CA1 region displayed the most differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in trisomic mice reflecting innate DS vulnerability, while trisomic CA1a deep PNs exhibited fewer but more physiologically relevant DEGs, as evidenced by bioinformatic inquiry.
    UNASSIGNED: CA1a deep neurons displayed numerous DEGs linked to cognitive functions whereas CA1a superficial neurons, with approximately equal numbers of DEGs, were not linked to pathways of dysregulation, suggesting the spatial location of vulnerable CA1 PNs plays an important role in circuit dissolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Colorectal cancer is a predominant malignancy with a second mortality worldwide. Despite its prevalence, therapeutic options remain constrained and surgical operation is still the most useful therapy. In this regard, a comprehensive spatially resolved quantitative proteome atlas was constructed to explore the functional proteomic landscape of colorectal cancer. This strategy integrates histopathological analysis, laser capture microdissection, and proteomics. Spatial proteome profiling of 200 tissue section samples facilitated by the fully integrated sample preparation technology SISPROT enabled the identification of more than 4000 proteins on the Orbitrap Exploris 240 from 2 mm2 × 10 μm tissue sections. Compared with normal adjacent tissues, we identified a spectrum of cancer-associated proteins and dysregulated pathways across various regions of colorectal cancer including ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, and rectum. Additionally, we conducted proteomic analysis on tumoral epithelial cells and paracancerous epithelium from early to advanced stages in hallmark rectum cancer and sigmoid colon cancer. Bioinformatics analysis revealed functional proteins and cell-type signatures associated with different regions of colorectal tumors, suggesting potential clinical implications. Overall, this study provides a comprehensive spatially resolved functional proteome landscape of colorectal cancer, serving as a valuable resource for exploring potential biomarkers and therapeutic targets.





