  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    YAG-laser interventions are associated with the risk of complications, including in the cornea.
    OBJECTIVE: This study evaluates the condition of the cornea after laser discission (LD) of secondary cataracts (SC) and laser iridectomy (LI) using corneal confocal microscopy (CCM).
    METHODS: Group 1 included patients with the diagnosis \"Pseudophakia, secondary cataract\", they underwent LD of SC. Patients of group 1 were divided into 2 subgroups depending on the initial state of the cornea: group 1A included patients with unaltered corneas; group 1B - with changes in the corneas. Group 2 included patients diagnosed with angle-closure glaucoma (ACG) or suspected ACG, they underwent LI. CCM was performed on the Heidelberg HRT-III system. Laser treatment was performed using the Nd:YAG-laser LPULSA SYL-9000, λ=1.064 µm.
    RESULTS: Immediately after treatment, subgroup 1A exhibited singular hyperreflective deposits and negligible endothelial cell loss (ECL). After 1 month, CMM findings revealed no changes in this subgroup. In subgroup 1B, a post-LD reduction in endothelial cell density led to increased polymegathism, decreased pleomorphism, heightened endothelial cell nucleus reflectivity, and moderate hyperreflective deposits after 1 month. In the second group, significant hyperreflective deposits of various sizes, increased nucleus reflectivity, and notable endothelial cell density reduction were observed immediately and 1 month after LI.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study show that the possibility of developing corneal complications after photo destructive laser interventions is to a certain extent related to the initial state of the cornea. The risk of developing corneal damage increases with decreasing distance between the cornea and the irradiated structure. An increase in the level of laser radiation energy and its total values also contributes to damage to the cornea, which is possible with dense secondary cataracts and thick irises.
    Известно, что проведение YAG-лазерных вмешательств сопряжено с риском развития осложнений, в том числе со стороны роговицы.
    UNASSIGNED: Изучить с помощью метода конфокальной микроскопии состояние роговицы после проведения лазерной дисцизии (ЛД) вторичной катаракты (ВК) и лазерной иридэктомии (ЛИРЭ).
    UNASSIGNED: В 1-ю группу вошли пациенты с диагнозом «Артифакия. Вторичная катаракта», которым провели ЛД ВК. Пациенты 1-й группы были разделены на две подгруппы в зависимости от исходного состояния роговицы: 1А — пациенты с неизмененной роговицей; 1Б — с изменениями в роговице. 2-ю группу составили пациенты с диагнозом «Закрытоугольная глаукома» (ЗУГ) или «Подозрение на закрытоугольную глаукому», которым провели ЛИРЭ. Конфокальную микроскопию роговицы (КМ)Р проводили на приборе HRT-III фирмы Heidelberg. Использовали Nd:YAG-лазерную установку LPULSA SYL-9000, λ=1,064 мкм.
    UNASSIGNED: Сразу после лечения в подгруппе 1А выявлены единичные гиперрефлектирующие депозиты. Потеря эндотелиальных клеток роговицы (ЭКР) была минимальной. Через 1 мес картина КМР в подгруппе 1А не претерпела изменений. В подгруппе 1Б выявленное сразу после ЛД ВК уменьшение плотности ЭКР привело через 1 мес к усилению полимегатизма и уменьшению плеоморфизма ЭКР, повышению рефлективности ядер ЭКР, появлению умеренного количества гиперрефлектирующих депозитов. Во 2-й группе сразу после ЛИРЭ и через 1 мес выявляли большое количество гиперрефлектирующих депозитов разных размеров, повышение рефлективности ядер, значительное уменьшение плотности ЭКР.
    UNASSIGNED: Результаты исследования показали, что возможность развития после ЛФД изменений со стороны роговицы в определенной степени связана с исходным состоянием роговицы. Риск развития повреждения роговицы повышается с уменьшением расстояния «роговица — облучаемая структура». Увеличение уровня энергии лазерного излучения и ее суммарных значений также способствует повреждению роговицы, что возможно при плотной ВК и толстой радужке.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Progressive outer retinal necrosis (PORN) is an alphaherpesvirus-caused panuveitis with devastating consequences for the eye. Our study aims to describe new findings in the clinical spectrum and propose a mechanism for the pathogenesis of PORN.
    METHODS: Observational, consecutive case series. Seven eyes from five patients diagnosed with PORN were enrolled. Detailed case histories, ocular examination findings and multimodal images of retina were collected. Optic nerve and brain imaging were obtained by MRI.
    RESULTS: All eyes were confirmed human alphaherpesviruses positive in ocular fluid by qPCR. Optic nerve oedema was observed on MRI in all eyes. A relative afferent pupillary defect was recorded in the affected eye for the unilateral cases. Two patients with unilateral involvement had a history of viral encephalitis and focal encephalomalacia found in the temporal lobe on brain MRI. The affected eyes were characterised by sensory retinal necrosis sparing retinal pigment epithelium, starting at the end of the retinal nerve fibre (horizontal raphe or peripheral area of the retina) and progressing rapidly along the nerve fibre. The wall of the retinal artery and vein was destroyed, resulting in blood flow interruption on fluorescein angiography and retinal haemorrhages along the large vessels.
    CONCLUSIONS: Combination the neurotropic characteristics of alphaherpesviruses and the signs of PORN, we hypothesised that the reactivated PORN virus originated from the lateral geniculate nucleus, then propagated along the optic nerve and was released at the terminals, causing necrosis of the entire sensory retina rather than just affecting the outer segment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: To use finite element (FE) analysis to assess what morphologic and biomechanical factors of the iris and anterior chamber are more likely to influence angle narrowing during pupil dilation.
    UNASSIGNED: The study consisted of 1344 FE models comprising the cornea, sclera, lens, and iris to simulate pupil dilation. For each model, we varied the following parameters: anterior chamber depth (ACD = 2-4 mm) and anterior chamber width (ACW = 10-12 mm), iris convexity (IC = 0-0.3 mm), iris thickness (IT = 0.3-0.5 mm), stiffness (E = 4-24 kPa), and Poisson\'s ratio (v = 0-0.3). We evaluated the change in (△∠) and the final dilated angles (∠f) from baseline to dilation for each parameter.
    UNASSIGNED: The final dilated angles decreased with a smaller ACD (∠f = 53.4° ± 12.3° to 21.3° ± 14.9°), smaller ACW (∠f = 48.2° ± 13.5° to 26.2° ± 18.2°), larger IT (∠f = 52.6° ± 12.3° to 24.4° ± 15.1°), larger IC (∠f = 45.0° ± 19.2° to 33.9° ± 16.5°), larger E (∠f = 40.3° ± 17.3° to 37.4° ± 19.2°), and larger v (∠f = 42.7° ± 17.7° to 34.2° ± 18.1°). The change in angles increased with larger ACD (△∠ = 9.37° ± 11.1° to 15.4° ± 9.3°), smaller ACW (△∠ = 7.4° ± 6.8° to 16.4° ± 11.5°), larger IT (△∠ = 5.3° ± 7.1° to 19.3° ± 10.2°), smaller IC (△∠ = 5.4° ± 8.2° to 19.5° ± 10.2°), larger E (△∠ = 10.9° ± 12.2° to 13.1° ± 8.8°), and larger v (△∠ = 8.1° ± 9.4° to 16.6° ± 10.4°).
    UNASSIGNED: The morphology of the iris (IT and IC) and its innate biomechanical behavior (E and v) were crucial in influencing the way the iris deformed during dilation, and angle closure was further exacerbated by decreased anterior chamber biometry (ACD and ACW).






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Renal disease in canine leishmaniosis is of great importance owing to increased risk of mortality. In human visceral leishmaniosis, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) has been used as a marker of renal damage and inflammation. The purpose of this study was first to determine the serum MCP-1 and urinary MCP-1-to-creatinine ratio (uMCP-1/Cr) in healthy dogs and dogs with leishmaniosis at diagnosis, and second to determine whether these markers can differentiate disease severity at diagnosis.
    METHODS: In total, 19 healthy seronegative dogs and 38 dogs with leishmaniosis were included in the study. Dogs with leishmaniosis were classified as LeishVet clinical staging and as International Renal Interest Society (IRIS) staging. Serum and urinary MCP-1 concentrations were measured with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. A receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve determined disease severity at diagnosis between two LeishVet groups (Stage II versus stage III and IV).
    RESULTS: Dogs in Leishvet stages IIb, III, and IV had a median serum MCP-1 and uMCP-1/Cr concentration higher than healthy dogs (P < 0.0001). No statistical differences were found in serum MCP-1 and uMCP-1/Cr between dogs in LeishVet stage IIa and healthy dogs. The dogs in LeishVet stage IV had significantly higher serum MCP-1 and uMCP-1/Cr compared with the dogs in LeishVet stage IIa (P < 0.0001). Serum MCP-1 and uMCP-1 were significantly higher in dogs in IRIS stage I and II + III + IV compared with healthy dogs. Dogs stage II + III + IV of IRIS had a significantly higher serum MCP-1 compared with dogs in IRIS stage I (P < 0.0001). The area under the ROC curve for serum MCP-1 was 0.78 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.64-0.93] and for uMCP-1/Cr it was 0.86 (95% CI, 0.74-0.99). The optimal cutoff value for serum MCP-1 and uMCP-1/Cr was 336.85 pg/ml (sensitivity of 79% and specificity of 68%) and 6.89 × 10-7 (sensitivity of 84% and specificity of 79%), respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: Serum MCP-1 and uMCP-1/Cr are increased in dogs with leishmaniosis compared with healthy dogs, suggesting the presence of inflammation and renal injury. Serum MCP-1 and uMCP-1/Cr were more elevated in the advanced stages of the disease compared with the moderate stages and, therefore, can be markers of the severity of the disease process.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The adverse outcomes of fungal infection in mammalian hosts depend on the complex interactions between the host immune system and pathogen virulence-associated traits. The main clinical problems arise when the host response is either too weak to effectively eliminate the pathogen or overly aggressive, resulting in host tissue damage rather than protection. This article will highlight current knowledge regarding the virulence attributions and mechanisms involved in the dual-sided role of the host immune system in the immunopathogenesis of the thermally dimorphic fungus Talaromyces marneffei through the lens of the damage response framework (DRF) of microbial pathogenesis model.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Posterior chamber intraocular lens (IOL) dislocation is a common complication of cataract surgery. Dislocated IOLs often require surgical intervention due to the potentially severe risks of leaving this condition untreated. If a patient with extremely low corneal endothelial cell density (ECD) presents with IOL dislocation, the surgeon faces a crucial dilemma of choosing the most optimal surgical treatment option. We sought to investigate the efficacy and safety of retropupillary iris claw intraocular lens (R-IOL) implantation in patients with IOL dislocation and extremely low (< 1000 cells/mm2) ECD.
    METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of nine patients (all men) whose pre-operative ECD was < 1000 cells/mm2 and who underwent R-IOL implantation due to intraocular subluxation or total dislocation into the vitreous cavity between 2014 and 2020. We evaluated corneal endothelial function and visual outcomes after surgery.
    RESULTS: Nine patients were included in this study. The mean age at diagnosis was 64.89 ± 7.15 years (range 57-76 years), and the follow-up duration was 37.93 ± 23.72 months (range 18.07-89.07 months). No patients developed bullous keratopathy during follow-up. Compared to the initial ECD, corneal thickness (CT), coefficient variation of cell area (CV) and percentage of hexagonal cells (HEX), there was no statistically significant decrease in the ECD, CV, and HEX at last follow-up (P = 0.944, 0.778, 0.445, 0.443). There was significant improvement in the mean uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA) at the last follow-up (average 0.13 logMAR, 20/27 Snellen) compared to the pre-operative mean UDVA (average 1.09 logMAR, 20/250 Snellen) (P < 0.01).
    CONCLUSIONS: R-IOL implantation did not result in a statistically significant decline in corneal endothelial function in patients with preoperatively low ECD, and it significantly improved the mean UDVA postoperatively. R-IOL implantation appears to be a safe and effective treatment modality for intraocular lens dislocation in patients with low ECD (< 1000 cells/mm²); however, long-term follow-up studies are warranted to corroborate these findings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The pupillary light reflex (PLR) adapts the amount of light reaching the retina, protecting it and improving image formation. Two PLR mechanisms have been described in vertebrates. First, the pretectum receives retinal inputs and projects to the Edinger-Westphal nucleus (EWN), which targets the ciliary ganglion through the oculomotor nerve (nIII). Postganglionic fibers enter the eye-globe, traveling to the iris sphincter muscle. Additionally, some vertebrates exhibit an iris-intrinsic PLR mechanism mediated by sphincter muscle cells that express melanopsin inducing muscle contraction. Given the high degree of conservation of the lamprey visual system, we investigated the mechanisms underlying the PLR to shed light onto their evolutionary origins. Recently, a PLR mediated by melanopsin was demonstrated in lampreys, suggested to be brain mediated. Remarkably, we found that PLR is instead mediated by direct retino-iridal cholinergic projections. This retina-mediated PLR acts synergistically with an iris-intrinsic mechanism that, as in other vertebrates, is mediated by melanopsin and has contribution of gap junctions between muscle fibers. In contrast, we show that lampreys lack the brain-mediated PLR. Our results suggest that two eye-intrinsic PLR mechanisms were present in early vertebrate evolution, whereas the brain-mediated PLR has a more recent origin.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This work presents a novel approach to enhancing iris recognition systems through a two-module approach focusing on low-level image preprocessing techniques and advanced feature extraction. The primary contributions of this paper include: (i) the development of a robust preprocessing module utilizing the Canny algorithm for edge detection and the circle-based Hough transform for precise iris extraction, and (ii) the implementation of Binary Statistical Image Features (BSIF) with domain-specific filters trained on iris-specific data for improved biometric identification. By combining these advanced image preprocessing techniques, the proposed method addresses key challenges in iris recognition, such as occlusions, varying pigmentation, and textural diversity. Experimental results on the Human-inspired Domain-specific Binarized Image Features (HDBIF) Dataset, consisting of 1892 iris images, confirm the significant enhancements achieved. Moreover, this paper offers a comprehensive and reproducible research framework by providing source codes and access to the testing database through the Notre Dame University dataset website, thereby facilitating further application and study. Future research will focus on exploring adaptive algorithms and integrating machine learning techniques to improve performance across diverse and unpredictable real-world scenarios.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports





