Guanosine Triphosphate

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Selective KRASG12C inhibitors have been developed to covalently lock the oncogene in the inactive GDP-bound state. Two of these molecules, sotorasib and adagrasib, are approved for the treatment of adult patients with KRASG12C-mutated previously treated advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Drug treatment imposes selective pressures leading to the outgrowth of drug-resistant variants. Mass sequencing from patients\' biopsies identified a number of acquired KRAS mutations -both in cis and in trans- in resistant tumors. We demonstrate here that disease progression in vivo can also occur due to adaptive mechanisms and increased KRAS-GTP loading. Using the preclinical tool tri-complex KRASG12C-selective covalent inhibitor, RMC-4998 (also known as RM-029), that targets the active GTP-bound (ON) state of the oncogene, we provide a proof-of-concept that the clinical stage KRASG12C(ON) inhibitor RMC-6291 alone or in combination with KRASG12C(OFF) drugs can be an alternative potential therapeutic strategy to circumvent resistance due to increased KRAS-GTP loading.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    RHOA mutations are found at diverse residues in various cancer types, implying mutation- and cell-specific mechanisms of tumorigenesis. Here, we focus on the underlying mechanisms of two gain-of-function RHOA mutations, A161P and A161V, identified in adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma. We find that RHOAA161P and RHOAA161V are both fast-cycling mutants with increased guanine nucleotide dissociation/association rates compared with RHOAWT and show reduced GTP-hydrolysis activity. Crystal structures reveal an altered nucleotide association in RHOAA161P and an open nucleotide pocket in RHOAA161V. Both mutations perturb the dynamic properties of RHOA switch regions and shift the conformational landscape important for RHOA activity, as shown by 31P NMR and molecular dynamics simulations. Interestingly, RHOAA161P and RHOAA161V can interact with effectors in the GDP-bound state. 1H-15N HSQC NMR spectra support the existence of an active population in RHOAA161V-GDP. The distinct interaction mechanisms resulting from the mutations likely favor an RHOAWT-like \"ON\" conformation, endowing GDP-bound state effector binding activity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    RAS GTPases associate with the biological membrane where they function as molecular switches to regulate cell growth. Recent studies indicate that RAS proteins oligomerize on membranes, and disrupting these assemblies represents an alternative therapeutic strategy. However, conflicting reports on RAS assemblies, ranging in size from dimers to nanoclusters, have brought to the fore key questions regarding the stoichiometry and parameters that influence oligomerization. Here, we probe three isoforms of RAS [Kirsten Rat Sarcoma viral oncogene (KRAS), Harvey Rat Sarcoma viral oncogene (HRAS), and Neuroblastoma oncogene (NRAS)] directly from membranes using mass spectrometry. We show that KRAS on membranes in the inactive state (GDP-bound) is monomeric but forms dimers in the active state (GTP-bound). We demonstrate that the small molecule BI2852 can induce dimerization of KRAS, whereas the binding of effector proteins disrupts dimerization. We also show that RAS dimerization is dependent on lipid composition and reveal that oligomerization of NRAS is regulated by palmitoylation. By monitoring the intrinsic GTPase activity of RAS, we capture the emergence of a dimer containing either mixed nucleotides or GDP on membranes. We find that the interaction of RAS with the catalytic domain of Son of Sevenless (SOScat) is influenced by membrane composition. We also capture the activation and monomer to dimer conversion of KRAS by SOScat. These results not only reveal the stoichiometry of RAS assemblies on membranes but also uncover the impact of critical factors on oligomerization, encompassing regulation by nucleotides, lipids, and palmitoylation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Allosteric regulation of inosine 5\'-monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH), an essential enzyme of purine metabolism, contributes to the homeostasis of adenine and guanine nucleotides. However, the precise molecular mechanism of IMPDH regulation in bacteria remains unclear. Using biochemical and cryo-EM approaches, we reveal the intricate molecular mechanism of the IMPDH allosteric regulation in mycobacteria. The enzyme is inhibited by both GTP and (p)ppGpp, which bind to the regulatory CBS domains and, via interactions with basic residues in hinge regions, lock the catalytic core domains in a compressed conformation. This results in occlusion of inosine monophosphate (IMP) substrate binding to the active site and, ultimately, inhibition of the enzyme. The GTP and (p)ppGpp allosteric effectors bind to their dedicated sites but stabilize the compressed octamer by a common mechanism. Inhibition is relieved by the competitive displacement of GTP or (p)ppGpp by ATP allowing IMP-induced enzyme expansion. The structural knowledge and mechanistic understanding presented here open up new possibilities for the development of allosteric inhibitors with antibacterial potential.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many neurotransmitter receptors activate G proteins through exchange of GDP for GTP. The intermediate nucleotide-free state has eluded characterization, due largely to its inherent instability. Here we characterize a G protein variant associated with a rare neurological disorder in humans. GαoK46E has a charge reversal that clashes with the phosphate groups of GDP and GTP. As anticipated, the purified protein binds poorly to guanine nucleotides yet retains wild-type affinity for G protein βγ subunits. In cells with physiological concentrations of nucleotide, GαoK46E forms a stable complex with receptors and Gβγ, impeding effector activation. Further, we demonstrate that the mutant can be easily purified in complex with dopamine-bound D2 receptors, and use cryo-electron microscopy to determine the structure, including both domains of Gαo, without nucleotide or stabilizing nanobodies. These findings reveal the molecular basis for the first committed step of G protein activation, establish a mechanistic basis for a neurological disorder, provide a simplified strategy to determine receptor-G protein structures, and a method to detect high affinity agonist binding in cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Small GTPases switch between GDP- and GTP-bound states during cell signaling. The ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) family of small GTPases is involved in vesicle trafficking. Although evolutionarily well conserved, little is known about ARF and ARF-like GTPases in plants. We characterized biochemical properties and cellular localization of the essential small ARF-like GTPase TITAN 5 (TTN5; also known as HALLIMASCH, ARL2 and ARLC1) from Arabidopsis thaliana, and two TTN5 proteins with point mutants in conserved residues, TTN5T30N and TTN5Q70L, that were expected to be unable to perform nucleotide exchange and GTP hydrolysis, respectively. TTN5 exhibited very rapid intrinsic nucleotide exchange and remarkably low GTP hydrolysis activity, functioning as a non-classical small GTPase being likely present in a GTP-loaded active form. We analyzed signals from YFP-TTN5 and HA3-TTN5 by in situ immunolocalization in Arabidopsis seedlings and through use of a transient expression system. Colocalization with endomembrane markers and pharmacological treatments suggests that TTN5 can be present at the plasma membrane and that it dynamically associates with membranes of vesicles, Golgi stacks and multivesicular bodies. Although TTN5Q70L mirrored wild-type TTN5 behavior, the TTN5T30N mutant differed in some aspects. Hence, the unusual rapid nucleotide exchange activity of TTN5 is linked with its membrane dynamics, and TTN5 likely has a role in vesicle transport within the endomembrane system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mycobacterial HflX confers resistance against macrolide antibiotics. However, the exact molecular mechanism is poorly understood. To gain further insights, we determined the cryo-EM structures of M. smegmatis (Msm) HflX-50S subunit and 50S subunit-erythromycin (ERY) complexes at a global resolution of approximately 3 Å. A conserved nucleotide A2286 at the gate of nascent peptide exit tunnel (NPET) adopts a swayed conformation in HflX-50S complex and interacts with a loop within the linker helical (LH) domain of MsmHflX that contains an additional 9 residues insertion. Interestingly, the swaying of this nucleotide, which is usually found in the non-swayed conformation, is induced by erythromycin binding. Furthermore, we observed that erythromycin decreases HflX\'s ribosome-dependent GTP hydrolysis, resulting in its enhanced binding and anti-association activity on the 50S subunit. Our findings reveal how mycobacterial HflX senses the presence of macrolides at the peptide tunnel entrance and confers antibiotic resistance in mycobacteria.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    RAS proteins are conserved guanosine triphosphate (GTP) hydrolases (GTPases) that act as molecular binary switches and play vital roles in numerous cellular processes. Upon GTP binding, RAS GTPases adopt an active conformation and interact with specific proteins termed RAS effectors that contain a conserved ubiquitin-like domain, thereby facilitating downstream signaling. Over 50 effector proteins have been identified in the human proteome, and many have been studied as potential mediators of RAS-dependent signaling pathways. Biochemical and structural analyses have provided mechanistic insights into these effectors, and studies using model organisms have complemented our understanding of their role in physiology and disease. Yet, many critical aspects regarding the dynamics and biological function of RAS-effector complexes remain to be elucidated. In this review, we discuss the mechanisms and functions of known RAS effector proteins, provide structural perspectives on RAS-effector interactions, evaluate their significance in RAS-mediated signaling, and explore their potential as therapeutic targets.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mitofusins (Mfn1 and Mfn2) are the mitochondrial outer-membrane fusion proteins in mammals and belong to the dynamin superfamily of multidomain GTPases. Recent structural studies of truncated variants lacking alpha helical transmembrane domains suggested that Mfns dimerize to promote the approximation and the fusion of the mitochondrial outer membranes upon the hydrolysis of guanine 5\'-triphosphate disodium salt (GTP). However, next to the presence of GTP, the fusion activity seems to require multiple regulatory factors that control the dynamics and kinetics of mitochondrial fusion through the formation of Mfn1-Mfn2 heterodimers. Here, we purified and reconstituted the full-length murine Mfn2 protein into giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) with different lipid compositions. The incubation with GTP resulted in the fusion of Mfn2-GUVs. High-speed video-microscopy showed that the Mfn2-dependent membrane fusion pathway progressed through a zipper mechanism where the formation and growth of an adhesion patch eventually led to the formation of a membrane opening at the rim of the septum. The presence of physiological concentration (up to 30 mol%) of dioleoyl-phosphatidylethanolamine (DOPE) was shown to be a requisite to observe GTP-induced Mfn2-dependent fusion. Our observations show that Mfn2 alone can promote the fusion of micron-sized DOPE-enriched vesicles without the requirement of regulatory cofactors, such as membrane curvature, or the assistance of other proteins.





