Genome Size

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Discinaceae holds significant importance within the Pezizales, representing a prominent group of macroascomycetes distributed globally. However, there is a dearth of genomic studies focusing on this family, resulting in gaps in our understanding of its evolution, development, and ecology. Here we utilized state-of-the-art genome assembly methodologies, incorporating third-generation single-molecule fluorescence and Hi-C-assisted methods, to elucidate the genomic landscapes of Gyromitra esculenta and Paragyromitra xinjiangensis. The genome sizes of two species were determined to be 47.10 Mb and 48.20 Mb, with 23 and 22 scaffolds, respectively. 10,438 and 11,469 coding proteins were identified, with functional annotations encompassing over 96.47% and 94.40%, respectively. Assessment of completeness using BUSCO revealed that 98.71% and 98.89% of the conserved proteins were identified. The application of comparative genomic technology has helped in identifying traits associated with of heterothallic life cycle traits and elucidating unique patterns of chromosomal evolution. Additionally, we identified potential saprotrophic nutritional modes and systematic phylogenetic relationships between the two species. Therefore, this study provides crucial genomic insights into the evolution, nutritional type, and ecological roles of species within the Pezizales.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parasitoid wasps represent a group of parasitic insects with high species diversity that have played a pivotal role in biological control and evolutionary studies. Over the past 20 years, developments in genomics have greatly enhanced our understanding of the biology of these species. Technological leaps in sequencing have facilitated the improvement of genome quality and quantity, leading to the availability of hundreds of parasitoid wasp genomes. Here, we summarize recent progress in parasitoid wasp genomics, focusing on the evolution of genome size (GS) and the genomic basis of several key traits. We also discuss the contributions of genomics in studying venom evolution and endogenization of viruses. Finally, we advocate for increased sequencing and functional research to better understand parasitoid biology and enhance biological control.






  • 文章类型: Dataset
    Dasiphora fruticosa (Rosaceae), commonly known as shrubby cinquefoil, is a flowering shrub of high ornamental value yet underutilized in East Asian landscapes. Given its broad elevational distribution range, D. fruticosa serves as an ideal model for studying genetic adaptations and speciation along elevation gradients. Here, we present a high-quality chromosome-scale assembly of D. fruticosa with a genome size of 249.23 Mb and a contig N50 length of 14.01 Mb. The genome sequence contains 32,613 protein-coding genes, of which 30,643 (93.96%) were functionally annotated. Compared to the published D. fruticosa genome sequence, our assembly demonstrates higher completeness and continuity. Furthermore, comparative genomic analyses provide insights into the phylogenetic relationship and high-altitude adaptation of D. fruticosa. Overall, our study offers a valuable genetic resource for both molecular and evolutionary research on shrubby cinquefoil.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Diomorus aiolomorphi Kamijo (Hymenoptera: Torymidae) is an inquiline of gall maker Aiolomorphus rhopaloides Walker (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae). They are of significant economic significance and predominantly inhabit bamboo forest. So far, only four scaffold-level genomes have been published for the family Torymidae. In this study, we present a high-quality genome assembly of D. aiolomorphi at the chromosome level, achieved through the integration of Nanopore (ONT) long-read, Illumina pair-end DNA short-read, and High-through Chromosome Conformation Capture (Hi-C) sequencing methods. The final assembly was 1,084.56 Mb in genome size, with 1,083.41 Mb (99.89%) assigned to five pseudochromosomes. The scaffold N50 length reached 224.87 Mb, and the complete Benchmarking Universal Single-Copy Orthologs (BUSCO) score was 97.3%. The genome contained 762.12 Mb of repetitive elements, accounting for 70.27% of the total genome size. A total of 18,011 protein-coding genes were predicted, with 17,829 genes being functionally annotated. The high-quality genome assembly of D. aiolomorphi presented in this study will serve as a valuable genomic resource for future research on parasitoid wasps. The results of this study may also contribute to the development of biological control strategies for pest management in bamboo forests, enhancing ecological balance and economic sustainability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The planthopper Nilaparvata muiri is a sister species to N. lugens (Hemiptera: Delphacidae), a notorious insect pest in Asian rice fields. N. muiri and N. lugens have a different host preference despite the similarities in many biological features. To better understand the adaptive evolution of planthoppers, comprehensive genomic information on N. muiri and N. lugens are urgently needed. In this study, we used ultra-low input PacBio HiFi libraries and Hi-C sequencing technologies to assemble a reference genome of a single N. muiri at the chromosomal level. The genome size was determined to be 531.62 Mb with a contig N50 size of 2.47 Mb and scaffold N50 size of 38.37 Mb. Totally, 96.61% assembled sequences were anchored to the 15 pseudo-chromosomes. BUSCO analysis yielded an Insecta completeness score of 98.6%. A total of 22,057 protein-coding genes were annotated, and 168.16 Mb repetitive sequences occupying 31.63% of genome were pinpointed. The assembled genome is valuable for evolutionary and genetic studies of planthoppers, and may provide sights to pest control.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Genome size is influenced by natural selection and genetic drift acting on variations from polyploidy and repetitive DNA sequences. We hypothesized that centromere drive, where centromeres compete for inclusion in the functional gamete during meiosis, may also affect genome and chromosome size. This competition occurs in asymmetric meiosis, where only one of the four meiotic products becomes a gamete. If centromere drive influences chromosome size evolution, it may also impact post-polyploid diploidization, where a polyploid genome is restructured to function more like a diploid through chromosomal rearrangements, including fusions. We tested if plant lineages with asymmetric meiosis exhibit faster chromosome size evolution compared to those with only symmetric meiosis, which lack centromere drive as all four meiotic products become gametes. We also examined if positive selection on centromeric histone H3 (CENH3), a protein that can suppress centromere drive, is more frequent in these asymmetric lineages.
    METHODS: We analyzed plant groups with different meiotic modes: asymmetric in gymnosperms and angiosperms, and symmetric in bryophytes, lycophytes, and ferns. We selected species based on available CENH3 gene sequences and chromosome size data. Using Ornstein-Uhlenbeck evolutionary models and phylogenetic regressions, we assessed the rates of chromosome size evolution and the frequency of positive selection on CENH3 in these clades.
    RESULTS: Our analyses showed that clades with asymmetric meiosis have a higher frequency of positive selection on CENH3 and increased rates of chromosome size evolution compared to symmetric clades.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings support the hypothesis that centromere drive accelerates chromosome and genome size evolution, potenatially also influencing the process of post-polyploid diploidization. We propose a model which in a single famework helps explain the stability of chromosome size in symmetric lineages (bryophytes, lycophytes, and ferns) and its variability in asymmetric lineages (gymnosperms and angiosperms), providing a foundation for future research in plant genome evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The Papilionoideae subfamily contains a large amount of underutilized legume crops, which are important for food security and human sustainability. However, the lack of genomic resources has hindered the breeding and utilization of these crops.
    RESULTS: Here, we present chromosome-level reference genomes for 5 underutilized diploid Papilionoideae crops: sword bean (Canavalia gladiata), scarlet runner bean (Phaseolus coccineus), winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus), smooth rattlebox (Crotalaria pallida), and butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea), with assembled genome sizes of 0.62 Gb, 0.59 Gb, 0.71 Gb, 1.22 Gb, and 1.72 Gb, respectively. We found that the long period of higher long terminal repeat retrotransposon activity is the major reason that the genome size of smooth rattlebox and butterfly pea is enlarged. Additionally, there have been no recent whole-genome duplication (WGD) events in these 5 species except for the shared papilionoid-specific WGD event (∼55 million years ago). Then, we identified 5,328 and 10,434 species-specific genes between scarlet runner bean and common bean, respectively, which may be responsible for their phenotypic and functional differences and species-specific functions. Furthermore, we identified the key genes involved in root-nodule symbiosis (RNS) in all 5 species and found that the NIN gene was duplicated in the early Papilionoideae ancestor, followed by the loss of 1 gene copy in smooth rattlebox and butterfly pea lineages. Last, we identified the resistance (R) genes for plant defenses in these 5 species and characterized their evolutionary history.
    CONCLUSIONS: In summary, this study provides chromosome-scale reference genomes for 3 grain and vegetable beans (sword bean, scarlet runner bean, winged bean), along with genomes for a green manure crop (smooth rattlebox) and a food dyeing crop (butterfly pea). These genomes are crucial for studying phylogenetic history, unraveling nitrogen-fixing RNS evolution, and advancing plant defense research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Urbanization-induced environmental changes affect the geographical distribution of natural plant species. This study focused on how polyploidization, a dynamic genome change, influences the survival and distribution of Commelina communis L. (Cc) and its subspecies, C. communis f. ciliata (Masam.) Murata (Ccfc) which have different chromosome numbers (e.g. Cc: 2n = 88, Ccfc: 2n = 46). The aim is to investigate polyploidization effects on natural plant distribution in urban environments.
    METHODS: The geographical distribution across urban-rural gradients was investigated at a total of 218 sites in Japan. Stomata size and density were measured and compared between Cc and Ccfc. Flow cytometry determined genome size and polyploidy. Chromosome karyotyping was performed using genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) method.
    RESULTS: Urban areas were exclusively dominated by Cc, while Cc and Ccfc coexisted in rural areas. Cc had larger and fewer stomata and more than twice the genome size than Ccfc. GISH results indicated that Cc possesses Ccfc and another unknown genome, suggesting allopolyploidy.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results show that the ploidy difference affects the geographical distribution, the stomata traits, and genome size between two distinct taxa in the genus Commelina, C. communis as a neo-tetraploid and C. communis f. ciliata, the diploid. Cc is an allopolyploid, therefore, not only polyploidy but also an additional genome with new sets of genes and alleles contributes to Cc having enhance survival potentials in urban environments compared to Ccfc. This is the first investigation to clarify the distribution difference related to urban environments, the difference in stomata traits and genome size, and to conduct chromosome composition in Commelina species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Culter alburnus is extensively distributed in various rivers and lakes across China. As a widely adaptive fish species, it has significant economic values and special ecological roles. To meet research demands and provide better genomic resources, in this research, a chromosome-level genome assembly was constructed using HiFi long-reads and Hi-C sequencing data. Compared with the published versions, our genome assembly is of higher quality with only 31 gaps and closer to its true structure and sequence. The genome size was 1.052 Gb, with a contig N50 of 32.92 Mb and a scaffold N50 of 43.09 Mb. 55 contigs were anchored to 24 chromosomes on the basis of Hi-C data. A total of 598.23 Mb of repetitive sequences were annotated and 28,228 protein-coding genes were predicted. Additionally, BUSCO assessment indicated assembly and annotation scores of 98.3% and 99.2%, respectively. This high-quality genome will provide scientific support for excavating the species characteristics of C. alburnus and exploring its molecular mechanisms in response to environmental changes and stress.





