Gene order

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The Muricidae family in the Class Gastropoda comprises numerous species with a vast range of morphological features and a worldwide presence. The phylogeny of the Muricidae has been analyzed in previous studies; however, the evolutionary relationships among the main branches of the Muricidae remain unknown.
    RESULTS: In the present study, the mitochondrial genome of Mancinella alouina was sequenced. The mitochondrial genome was found to be 16,671 bp in length and made up of 37 genes (13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNA and 2 ribosomal RNA genes). The genome has an A-T-rich region (66.5% A + T content) and all of the PCGs use the ATN start codon and the TAG or TAA stop codons. The mitochondrial gene arrangement of Mancinella alouina is similar to that of other Muricidae, except for Ocinebrellus inornatus and Ceratostoma burnetti. On the basis of a flexible molecular clock model, time-calibrated phylogenetic results indicate that the genus Mancinella diverged roughly 18.09 Mya, and that the family Muricidae emerged in the Late Cretaceous.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study reveals the structural and sequence information features of the mitochondrial genome of Mancinella alouina. This study provides evidence for the relationships within the family Muricidae at the molecular level, and infer the divergence time. The results of phylogenetic analyses strongly support the current classification.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Comprising about 60 % of gastropod diversity, caenogastropods display almost all kinds of shell forms and include many commercially important marine groups. Although the monophyly of Caenogastropoda has been widely accepted, thier internal phylogenetic relationships remain unclear. In the present study, a total of 27 caenogastropods belonging to eight superfamilies were sequenced and used for phylogenetic reconstruction. All newly sequenced mitogenomes adhered to the consensus gene order of caenogastropods, except for those of Vanikoroidea, Vermetoidea and Cerithioidea, which involved protein-coding genes. The reconstructed mitogenomic phylogeny suggested the monophylies of Architaenioglossa, Sorbeoconcha, Hypsogastropoda and the siphonate clade. The present study also identified a close affinity among Cypraeoidea, Ficoidea, Tonnoidea, and Neogastropoda, supported by the presence of a pleurembolic proboscis. The monophyly of Neogastropoda was not supported, as Cancellariidae was found to be sister to the limpet-shaped group Calyptraeoidea, and (Tonooidea + Ficoidea) were sister to the remaining neogastropods. This study provides important information for better understanding the evolution of caenogastropods, as well as for the protection and utilization of these diverse and economically significant marine resources.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Clostridioides difficile, a Gram-positive anaerobic bacterium, is the leading cause of hospital-acquired antibiotic-associated diarrhea worldwide. The severity of C. difficile infection (CDI) varies, ranging from mild diarrhea to life-threatening conditions such as pseudomembranous colitis and toxic megacolon. Central to the pathogenesis of the infection are toxins produced by C. difficile, with toxin A (TcdA) and toxin B (TcdB) as the main virulence factors. Additionally, some strains produce a third toxin known as C. difficile transferase (CDT). Toxins damage the colonic epithelium, initiating a cascade of cellular events that lead to inflammation, fluid secretion, and further tissue damage within the colon. Mechanistically, the toxins bind to cell surface receptors, internalize, and then inactivate GTPase proteins, disrupting the organization of the cytoskeleton and affecting various Rho-dependent cellular processes. This results in a loss of epithelial barrier functions and the induction of cell death. The third toxin, CDT, however, functions as a binary actin-ADP-ribosylating toxin, causing actin depolymerization and inducing the formation of microtubule-based protrusions. In this review, we summarize our current understanding of the interaction between C. difficile toxins and host cells, elucidating the functional consequences of their actions. Furthermore, we will outline how this knowledge forms the basis for developing innovative, toxin-based strategies for treating and preventing CDI.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The genus Henricia is known to have intraspecific morphological variations, making species identification difficult. Therefore, molecular phylogeny analysis based on genetic characteristics is valuable for species identification. We present complete mitochondrial genomic sequences of Henricia longispina aleutica, H. reniossa, and H. sanguinolenta for the first time in this study. This study will make a significant contribution to our understanding of Henricia species and its relationships within the class Asteroidea. Lengths of mitochondrial genomes of the three species are 16,217, 16,223, and 16,194 bp, respectively, with a circular form. These genomes contained 13 protein-coding genes, two ribosomal RNA genes, 22 transfer RNA genes, and a D-loop. The gene order and direction aligned with other asteroid species. Phylogenetic relationship analysis showed that our Henricia species were in a monophyletic clade with other Henricia species and in a large clade with species (Echinaster brasiliensis) from the same family. These findings provide valuable insight into understanding the phylogenetic relationships of species in the genus Henricia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Pama Croaker, Otolithoides pama, is an economically important fish species in Bangladesh. Intra-family similarities in morphology and typical barcode sequences of cox1 create ambiguities in its identification. Therefore, morphology and the complete mitochondrial genome of O. pama, and comparative mitogenomics within the family Sciaenidae have been studied. Extracted genomic DNA was subjected to Illumina-based short read sequencing for De-Novo mitogenome assembly. The complete mitogenome of O. pama (Accession: OQ784575.1) was 16,513 bp, with strong AC biasness and strand asymmetry. Relative synonymous codon usage (RSCU) among 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs) of O. pama was also analyzed. The studied mitogenomes including O. pama exhibited consistent sizes and gene orders, except for the genus Johnius which possessed notably longer mitogenomes with unique gene rearrangements. Different genetic distance metrics across 30 species of Sciaenidae family demonstrated 12S rRNA and the control region (CR) as the most conserved and variable regions, respectively, while most of the PCGs undergone a purifying selection. Different phylogenetic trees were congruent with one another, where O. pama was distinctly placed. This study would contribute to distinguishing closely related fish species of Sciaenidae family and can be instrumental in conserving the genetic diversity of O. pama.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reconstructing ancestral gene orders from the genome data of extant species is an important problem in comparative and evolutionary genomics. In a phylogenomics setting that accounts for gene family evolution through gene duplication and gene loss, the reconstruction of ancestral gene orders involves several steps, including multiple sequence alignment, the inference of reconciled gene trees, and the inference of ancestral syntenies and gene adjacencies. For each of the steps of such a process, several methods can be used and implemented using a growing corpus of, often parameterized, tools; in practice, interfacing such tools into an ancestral gene order reconstruction pipeline is far from trivial. This chapter introduces AGO, a Python-based framework aimed at creating ancestral gene order reconstruction pipelines allowing to interface and parameterize different bioinformatics tools. The authors illustrate the features of AGO by reconstructing ancestral gene orders for the X chromosome of three ancestral Anopheles species using three different pipelines. AGO is freely available at .






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    The order Hymenoptera is one of the most species-rich insect orders, with more than 150,000 described extant species. Many hymenopteran insects have very different mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) organizations compared to the putative ancestral organization of insects. In this study, we sequenced 18 mitogenomes of representatives in the order Hymenoptera to increase taxonomic sampling. A total of 475 species were used in phylogenetic analyses, including 18 new mitogenomes and 457 existing mitogenomes. Using a site-heterogeneous model, Bayesian\'s inference from amino acid data yielded more resolved relationships among Hymenoptera than maximum-likelihood analysis and coalescent-based species analyses. The monophyly of Symphyta was not supported. The Xyeloidea was the earliest branching clade in the Hymenoptera. The Orussoidea was closely related to Apocrita. Within Apocrita, the Parasitoida was non-monophyletic. The monophyly of most Parasitoida superfamilies received strong support. The Proctotrupomorpha clade was supported in Bayesian\'s analysis. The Apoidea was monophyletic when excluding Ampulex compressa from consideration. The superfamilies Vespoidea and Chrysidoidea were found to be non-monophyletic. Comparisons of mitochondrial gene order revealed a higher frequency of gene rearrangement among lineages with a parasitoid lifestyle, particularly prominent in Chalcidoidea. The degree of gene rearrangement ranked second in specific taxa of Cynipoidea and Ichneumonoidea.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    On circular bacterial chromosomes, the majority of genes are coded on the leading strand. This gene strand bias (GSB) ranges from up to 85% in some Bacillota to a little more than 50% in other phyla. The factors determining the extent of the strand bias remain to be found. Here, we report that species in the phylum Gemmatimonadota share a unique chromosome architecture, distinct from neighboring phyla: in a conserved 600-kb region around the terminus of replication, almost all genes were located on the leading strands, while on the remaining part of the chromosome, the strand preference was more balanced. The high strand bias (HSB) region harbors the rRNA clusters, core, and highly expressed genes. Selective pressure for reduction of collisions with DNA replication to minimize detrimental mutations can explain the conservation of essential genes in this region. Repetitive and mobile elements are underrepresented, suggesting reduced recombination frequency by structural isolation from other parts of the chromosome. We propose that the HSB region forms a distinct chromosomal domain. Gemmatimonadota chromosomes evolved mainly by expansion through horizontal gene transfer and duplications outside of the ancient high strand bias region. In support of our hypothesis, we could further identify two Spiroplasma strains on a similar evolutionary path.IMPORTANCEOn bacterial chromosomes, a preferred location of genes on the leading strand has evolved to reduce conflicts between replication and transcription. Despite a vast body of research, the question why bacteria show large differences in their gene strand bias is still not solved. The discovery of \"hybrid\" chromosomes in different phyla, including Gemmatimonadota, in which a conserved high strand bias is found exclusively in a region at ter, points toward a role of nucleoid structure, additional to replication, in the evolution of strand preferences. A fine-grained structural analysis of the ever-increasing number of available bacterial genomes could help to better understand the forces that shape the sequential and spatial organization of the cell\'s information content.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Previous studies have identified diverse bacteriophages that infect Caulobacter vibrioides strain CB15 ranging from small RNA phages to four genera of jumbo phages. In this study, we focus on 20 bacteriophages whose genomes range from 40 to 60 kb in length. Genome comparisons indicated that these diverse phages represent six Caulobacter phage genera and one additional genus that includes both Caulobacter and Brevundimonas phages. Within species, comparisons revealed that both single base changes and inserted or deleted genetic material cause the genomes of closely related phages to diverge. Among genera, the basic gene order and the orientation of key genes were retained with most of the observed variation occurring at ends of the genomes. We hypothesize that the nucleotide sequences of the ends of these phage genomes are less important than the need to maintain the size of the genome and the stability of the corresponding mRNAs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Eriophyoid mites (Eriophyoidea) are among the largest groups in the Acariformes; they are strictly phytophagous. The higher-level phylogeny of eriophyoid mites, however, remains unresolved due to the limited number of available morphological characters-some of them are homoplastic. Nevertheless, the eriophyoid mites sequenced to date showed highly variable mitochondrial (mt) gene orders, which could potentially be useful for resolving the higher-level phylogenetic relationships.
    RESULTS: Here, we sequenced and compared the complete mt genomes of 153 eriophyoid mite species, which showed 54 patterns of rearranged mt gene orders relative to that of the hypothetical ancestor of arthropods. The shared derived mt gene clusters support the monophyly of eriophyoid mites (Eriophyoidea) as a whole and the monophylies of six clades within Eriophyoidea. These monophyletic groups and their relationships were largely supported in the phylogenetic trees inferred from mt genome sequences as well. Our molecular dating results showed that Eriophyoidea originated in the Triassic and diversified in the Cretaceous, coinciding with the diversification of angiosperms.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study reveals multiple molecular synapomorphies (i.e. shared derived mt gene clusters) at different levels (i.e. family, subfamily or tribe level) from the complete mt genomes of 153 eriophyoid mite species. We demonstrated the use of derived mt gene clusters in unveiling the higher-level phylogeny of eriophyoid mites, and underlines the origin of these mites and their co-diversification with angiosperms.





