Baculovirus Expression Vector System

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The silkworm-baculovirus expression vector system (silkworm-BEVS), using Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV) and silkworm larvae or pupae, has been used as a cost-effective expression system for the production of various recombinant proteins. Recently, several gene knockouts in baculoviruses have been shown to improve the productivity of recombinant proteins. However, the gene editing of the baculovirus genome (approximately 130kb) remains challenging and time-consuming. In this study, we sought to further enhance the productivity of the silkworm-BEVS by synthesizing and gene editing the BmNPV bacmid from plasmids containing fragments of BmNPV genomic DNA using a two-step Golden Gate Assembly (GGA). The BmNPV genome, divided into 19 fragments, was amplified by PCR and cloned into the plasmids. From these initial plasmids, four intermediate plasmids containing the BmNPV genomic DNA were constructed by GGA with the type IIS restriction enzyme BsaI. Subsequently, the full-length bacmid was successfully synthesized from the four intermediate plasmids by GGA with another type IIS restriction enzyme PaqCI with a high efficiency of 97.2%. Furthermore, this methodology enabled the rapid and straightforward generation of the BmNPV bacmid lacking six genes, resulting in the suppression of degradation of recombinant proteins expressed in silkworm pupae. These results indicate that the BmNPV bacmid can be quickly and efficiently edited using only simple cloning techniques and enzymatic reactions, marking a significant advancement in the improvement of the silkworm-BEVS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nipah virus (NiV) is known to be a highly pathogenic zoonotic virus, which is included in the World Health Organization Research & Development Blueprint list of priority diseases with up to 70% mortality rate. Due to its high pathogenicity and outbreak potency, a therapeutic countermeasure against NiV is urgently needed. As NiV needs to be handled within a Biological Safety Level (BSL) 4 facility, we had developed a safe drug screening platform utilizing a baculovirus expression vector system (BEVS) based on a NiV-induced syncytium formation that could be handled within a BSL-1 facility. To reconstruct the NiV-induced syncytium formation in BEVS, two baculoviruses were generated to express recombinant proteins that are responsible for inducing the syncytium formation, including one baculovirus exhibiting co-expressed NiV fusion protein (NiV-F) and NiV attachment glycoprotein (NiV-G) and another exhibiting human EphrinB2 protein. Interestingly, syncytium formation was observed in infected insect cells when the medium was modified to have a lower pH level and supplemented with cholesterol. Fusion inhibitory properties of several compounds, such as phytochemicals and a polysulfonated naphthylamine compound, were evaluated using this platform. Among these compounds, suramin showed the highest fusion inhibitory activity against NiV-induced syncytium in the baculovirus expression system. Moreover, our in silico results provide a molecular-level glimpse of suramin\'s interaction with NiV-G\'s central hole and EphrinB2\'s G-H loop, which could be the possible reason for its fusion inhibitory activity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Monoclonal antibodies have widespread applications in disease treatment and antigen detection. They are traditionally produced using mammalian cell expression system, which is not able to satisfy the increasing demand of these proteins at large scale. Baculovirus expression vector system (BEVS) is an attractive alternative platform for the production of biologically active monoclonal antibodies. In this chapter, we demonstrate the production of an HIV-1 broadly neutralizing antibody b12 in BEVS. The processes including transfer vector construction, recombinant baculovirus generation, and antibody production and detection are described.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Baculoviruses are widely used for their potential as biological pesticide and as platform for the production of recombinant proteins and gene therapy vectors. The Baculovirus Expression Vector System (BEVS) is used for high level of expression of (multiple) proteins in insect cells. Baculovirus recombinants can be quickly constructed by transposition of the gene(s) of interest into a so-called bacmid, which is a baculovirus infectious clone maintained as single-copy, bacterial artificial chromosome in Escherichia coli. A two-step homologous recombineering technique using the lambda-red system in E. coli allows for scarless editing of the bacmid with PCR products based on sequence homology. In the first step, a selection cassette with 50 bp homology arms, typically generated by PCR, is inserted into the designated locus. In the second step, the selection cassette is removed based on a negative selection marker, such as SacB or rpsL. This lambda-red recombineering technique can be used for multiple gene editing purposes, including (large) deletions, insertions, and even single point mutations. Moreover, since there are no remnants of the editing process, successive modifications of the same bacmid are possible. This chapter provides detailed instructions to design and perform two-step homologous recombineering of baculovirus bacmid DNA in E. coli. We present two case studies demonstrating the utility of this technique for creating a deletion mutant of the chitinase and cathepsin genes and for introducing a single point mutation in the baculovirus gene gp41. This scarless genome editing approach can facilitate functional studies of baculovirus genes and improve the production of recombinant proteins using the BEVS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This chapter outlines the use of TOPO cloning for streamlined generation of a recombinant plasmid containing your gene of interest for use in the Bac-to-Bac™ Baculovirus Expression System.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Short-beak and dwarfism syndrome (SBDS) is a new disease caused by a genetic variant of goose parvovirus in ducks that results in enormous economic losses for the waterfowl industry. Currently, there is no commercial vaccine for this disease, so it is urgent to develop a safer and more effective vaccine to prevent this disease. In this study, we optimized the production conditions to enhance the expression of the recombinant VP2 protein and identified the optimal conditions for subsequent large-scale expression. Furthermore, the protein underwent purification via nickel column affinity chromatography, followed by concentration using ultrafiltration tube. Subsequently, it was observed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) that the NGPV recombinant VP2 protein assembled into virus-like particles (VLPs) resembling those of the original virus. Finally, the ISA 78-VG adjuvant was mixed with the NGPV-VP2 VLPs to be prepared as a subunit vaccine. Furthermore, both agar gel precipitation test (AGP) and serum neutralization test demonstrated that NGPV VLP subunit vaccine could induce the increase of NGPV antibody in breeding ducks. The ducklings were also challenged with the NGPV, and the results showed that the maternal antibody level could provide sufficient protection to the ducklings. These results indicated that the use of the NGPV VLP subunit vaccine based on the baculovirus expression system could facilitate the large-scale development of a reliable vaccine in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The baculovirus expression vector system (BEVS) has become an important platform for the expression of recombinant proteins and is especially useful for the production of large protein complexes such as virus-like particles (VLPs). An important application for VLPs is their use as vehicles for targeted delivery of drugs or toxins which requires the development of methods for efficient loading with the intended cargo. Our research intends to employ the BEVS for the production of VLPs for the delivery of insecticidal dsRNA molecules to targeted insect pests (as \"dsRNA-VLPs\"). A convenient strategy would be the co-expression of long dsRNAs with viral capsid proteins and their simultaneous encapsulation during VLP assembly but the capacity of the BEVS for the production of long dsRNA has not been assessed so far. In this study, the efficiency of production of long RNA hairpins targeting the luciferase gene (\"dsLuc\") by the polyhedrin promoter during baculovirus infection was evaluated. However, RNAi reporter assays could not detect significant amounts of dsLuc in Hi5 cells infected with recombinant baculovirus, even in the presence of co-expressed dsRNA-binding protein B2-GFP or the employment of the MS2-MCP system. Nevertheless, dot blot analyses using anti-dsRNA antibody revealed that baculovirus-mediated expression of B2-GFP resulted in significant increases in dsRNA levels in infected cells that may correspond to hybridized complementary viral transcripts. Using B2-GFP as a genetically encoded sensor, dsRNA foci were detected in the nuclei that partially co-localized with DAPI staining, consistent with their localization at the virogenic stroma. Co-localization experiments with the baculovirus proteins vp39, Ac93, ODV-E25 and gp64 indicated limited overlap between B2-GFP and the ring zone compartment where assembly of nucleocapsids and virions occurs. Stability experiments showed that exogenous dsRNA is resistant to degradation in extracts of non-infected and infected Hi5 cells and it is proposed that strong unwinding activity at the virogenic stroma in the infected nuclei may neutralize the annealing of complementary RNA strands and block the production of long dsRNAs. Because the strong stability of exogenous dsRNA, transfection can be explored as an alternative method for delivery of cargo for dsRNA-VLPs during their assembly in baculovirus-infected Hi5 cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The baculovirus expression system is a powerful and widely used method to generate large quantities of recombinant protein. However, challenges exist in workflows utilizing either liquid baculovirus stocks or the Titerless Infected-Cells Preservation and Scale-Up (TIPS) method, including the time and effort to generate baculoviruses, screen for protein expression and store large numbers of baculovirus stocks. To mitigate these challenges, we have developed a streamlined, hybrid workflow which utilizes high titer liquid virus stocks for rapid plate-based protein expression screening, followed by a TIPS-based scale-up for larger protein production efforts. Additionally, we have automated each step in this screening workflow using a custom robotic system. With these process improvements, we have significantly reduced the time, effort and resources required to manage large baculovirus generation and expression screening campaigns.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Current manufacturing processes for recombinant adeno-associated viruses (rAAVs) have less-than-desired yields and produce significant amounts of empty capsids. The increasing demand and the high cost of goods for rAAV-based gene therapies motivate development of more efficient manufacturing processes. Recently, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first rAAV-based gene therapy product manufactured in the baculovirus expression vector system (BEVS), a technology that demonstrated production of high titers of full capsids. This work presents a first mechanistic model describing the key extracellular and intracellular phenomena occurring during baculovirus infection and rAAV maturation in the BEVS. The model predictions are successfully validated for in-house and literature experimental measurements of the vector genome and of structural and non-structural proteins collected during rAAV manufacturing in the BEVS with the TwoBac and ThreeBac constructs. A model-based analysis of the process is carried out to identify the bottlenecks that limit full capsid formation. Vector genome amplification is found to be the limiting step for rAAV production in Sf9 cells using either the TwoBac or ThreeBac system. In turn, vector genome amplification is hindered by limiting Rep78 levels. Transgene and non-essential baculovirus protein expression in the insect cell during rAAV manufacturing also negatively influences the rAAV production yields.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The production of recombinant proteins containing unnatural amino acids, commonly known as genetic code expansion (GCE), represents a breakthrough in protein engineering that allows for the creation of proteins having novel designed properties. The naturally occurring orthogonal pyrrolysine tRNA/aminoacyl-tRNApyl synthetase pair (tRNApyl/PylRS) found in Methanosarcinaceae species has provided a rich platform for protein engineers to build a library of amino acid derivatives suitable for the introduction of novel chemical functionalities. While reports of the production of such recombinant proteins utilizing the tRNApyl/PylRS pair, or mutants thereof, is commonplace in Escherichia coli and mammalian cell expression systems, there has only been a single such report of GCE in the other stalwart of recombinant protein production, the baculovirus expression vector system (BEVS). However, that report formulates protein production within the designs of the MultiBac expression system [1]. The current study frames protein production within the strategies of the more commonplace Bac-to-Bac system of recombinant baculovirus production, via the development of novel baculovirus transfer vectors that harbor the tRNApyl/PylRS pair. The production of recombinant proteins harboring an unnatural amino acid(s) was examined using both an in cis and an in trans arrangement of the tRNApyl/PylRS pair relative to the target protein ORF i.e. the latter resides, respectively, on either the same vector as the tRNApyl/PylRS pair, or on a separate vector and deployed in a viral co-infection experiment. Aspects of the transfer vector designs and the viral infection conditions were investigated.





