{Reference Type}: Journal Article {Title}: Antegrade embolization of varicocele with cyanoacrylate glue: a case report. {Author}: Le Tat T;Jost R;Hanotin C;Lucas A;Laouisset L;Hakime A;Kuoch V; {Journal}: CVIR Endovasc {Volume}: 7 {Issue}: 1 {Year}: 2024 Jun 27 暂无{DOI}: 10.1186/s42155-024-00446-6 {Abstract}: BACKGROUND: Varicocele embolization is an effective, minimally invasive treatment option, with a symptom improvement rate of around 90%. However, anatomical variations and post-embolization recurrences pose challenges to its efficacy. This article discusses the antegrade embolization technique as a viable alternative for cases in which retrograde embolization fails, offering a broader spectrum of treatment options for varicocele.
METHODS: This case report details the treatment of a 27-year-old male with a left varicocele, diagnosed during infertility assessment, using an alternative embolization technique. Despite initial failed attempts at retrograde catheterization via the femoral vein, a direct inguinal puncture of the left testicular vein was successfully performed under ultrasound guidance. A mixture of Glubran® and Lipiodol® was used for embolization, achieving varicocele embolization without complications. The patient was discharged 2 hours post-procedure, with follow-up confirming the procedure's effectiveness and safety.
CONCLUSIONS: This article introduces a less invasive, ultrasound-guided technique for varicocele embolization, presenting a viable alternative to surgery when conventional retrograde methods fail.