{Reference Type}: Journal Article {Title}: D-Tagatose: A Rare Sugar with Functional Properties and Antimicrobial Potential against Oral Species. {Author}: Ortiz AC;Fideles SOM;Reis CHB;Pagani BT;Bueno LMM;Moscatel MBM;Buchaim RL;Buchaim DV; {Journal}: Nutrients {Volume}: 16 {Issue}: 12 {Year}: 2024 Jun 19 {Factor}: 6.706 {DOI}: 10.3390/nu16121943 {Abstract}: Carbohydrates have a dietary role, but excessive consumption of high-calorie sugars can contribute to an increased incidence of metabolic diseases and dental caries. Recently, carbohydrates with sweetening properties and low caloric value, such as D-tagatose, have been investigated as alternative sugars. D-tagatose is a rare sugar that has nutritional and functional properties of great interest for health. This literature review presents an approach to the biological effects of D-tagatose, emphasizing its benefits for oral health. Studies report that D-tagatose has antioxidant and prebiotic effects, low digestibility, reduced glycemic and insulinemic responses, and the potential to improve the lipid profile, constituting an alternative for diabetes mellitus and obesity. It can also be observed that D-tagatose has an antioxidant action, favoring the elimination of free radicals and, consequently, causing a reduction in cellular oxidative stress. Furthermore, it also has antibacterial potential against oral species. Regarding oral health, studies have shown that D-tagatose efficiently reversed bacterial coaggregations, including periodontopathogenic species, and impaired the activity and growth of cariogenic bacteria, such as S. mutans. D-tagatose significantly inhibited biofilm formation, pH decrease and insoluble glucan synthesis in S. mutans cultures. Salivary S. mutans counts were also significantly reduced by the consumption of chewing gum containing D-tagatose and xylitol. In addition, there is evidence that tagatose is effective as an air-polishing powder for biofilm decontamination. The literature indicates that D-tagatose can contribute to the prevention of systemic diseases, also constituting a promising agent to improve oral health.