{Reference Type}: Journal Article {Title}: Identification of Polymorphisms in EAAT1 Glutamate Transporter Gene SLC1A3 Associated with Reduced Migraine Risk. {Author}: Albury CL;Sutherland HG;Lam AWY;Tran NK;Lea RA;Haupt LM;Griffiths LR; {Journal}: Genes (Basel) {Volume}: 15 {Issue}: 6 {Year}: 2024 Jun 18 {Factor}: 4.141 {DOI}: 10.3390/genes15060797 {Abstract}: Dysfunction in ion channels or processes involved in maintaining ionic homeostasis is thought to lower the threshold for cortical spreading depression (CSD), and plays a role in susceptibility to associated neurological disorders, including pathogenesis of a migraine. Rare pathogenic variants in specific ion channels have been implicated in monogenic migraine subtypes. In this study, we further examined the channelopathic nature of a migraine through the analysis of common genetic variants in three selected ion channel or transporter genes: SLC4A4, SLC1A3, and CHRNA4. Using the Agena MassARRAY platform, 28 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) across the three candidate genes were genotyped in a case-control cohort comprised of 182 migraine cases and 179 matched controls. Initial results identified significant associations between migraine and rs3776578 (p = 0.04) and rs16903247 (p = 0.05) genotypes within the SLC1A3 gene, which encodes the EAAT1 glutamate transporter. These SNPs were subsequently genotyped in an independent cohort of 258 migraine cases and 290 controls using a high-resolution melt assay, and association testing supported the replication of initial findings-rs3776578 (p = 0.0041) and rs16903247 (p = 0.0127). The polymorphisms are in linkage disequilibrium and localise within a putative intronic enhancer region of SLC1A3. The minor alleles of both SNPs show a protective effect on migraine risk, which may be conferred via influencing the expression of SLC1A3.