{Reference Type}: Journal Article {Title}: Feasibility of Predicting Surgical Duration in Endometriosis Using Numerical Multi-Scoring System of Endometriosis (NMS-E). {Author}: Ichikawa M;Shiraishi T;Okuda N;Matsuda S;Nakao K;Kaseki H;Ichikawa G;Akira S;Toyoshima M;Kuwabara Y;Suzuki S; {Journal}: Biomedicines {Volume}: 12 {Issue}: 6 {Year}: 2024 Jun 6 {Factor}: 4.757 {DOI}: 10.3390/biomedicines12061267 {Abstract}: BACKGROUND: Endometriosis is a multifaceted gynecological condition that poses diagnostic challenges and affects a significant number of women worldwide, leading to pain, infertility, and a reduction in patient quality of life (QoL). Traditional diagnostic methods, such as the revised American Society for Reproductive Medicine (r-ASRM) classification, have limitations, particularly in preoperative settings. The Numerical Multi-Scoring System of Endometriosis (NMS-E) has been proposed to address these shortcomings by providing a comprehensive preoperative diagnostic tool that integrates findings from pelvic examinations and transvaginal ultrasonography.
METHODS: This retrospective study aims to validate the effectiveness of the NMS-E in predicting surgical outcomes and correlating with the severity of endometriosis. Data from 111 patients at Nippon Medical School Hospital were analyzed to determine the correlation between NMS-E scores, including E-score-a severity indicator-traditional scoring systems, surgical duration, blood loss, and clinical symptoms. This study also examined the need to refine parameters for deep endometriosis within the NMS-E to enhance its predictive accuracy for disease severity.
RESULTS: The mean age of the patient cohort was 35.1 years, with the majority experiencing symptoms such as dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, and chronic pelvic pain. A statistically significant positive correlation was observed between the NMS-E's E-score and the severity of endometriosis, particularly in predicting surgical duration (Spearman correlation coefficient: 0.724, p < 0.01) and blood loss (coefficient: 0.400, p < 0.01). The NMS-E E-score also correlated strongly with the r-ASRM scores (coefficient: 0.758, p < 0.01), exhibiting a slightly more excellent predictive value for surgical duration than the r-ASRM scores alone. Refinements in the methodology for scoring endometriotic nodules in uterine conditions improved the predictive accuracy for surgical duration (coefficient: 0.752, p < 0.01).
CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that the NMS-E represents a valuable preoperative diagnostic tool for endometriosis, effectively correlating with the disease's severity and surgical outcomes. Incorporating the NMS-E into clinical practice could significantly enhance the management of endometriosis by addressing current diagnostic limitations and guiding surgical planning.