{Reference Type}: Case Reports {Title}: Successful Fertilization in a Case of Globozoospermia Through Assisted Oocyte Activation With Calcium Ionophores: A Case Report. {Author}: Thapa P;Bawaskar PA;Badge A;Pareek C;Kalbande A; {Journal}: Cureus {Volume}: 16 {Issue}: 5 {Year}: 2024 May 暂无{DOI}: 10.7759/cureus.61065 {Abstract}: Globozoospermia is a rare sperm morphological abnormality characterized by a lack of acrosomes and post-acrosomal sheaths, defects in the cytoskeleton around the nucleus, and separated nuclear membranes. In this case, the study outlines the treatment of a 32-year-old male patient diagnosed with globozoospermia. The couple, facing primary infertility for seven years, had already undergone unsuccessful assisted reproductive technology treatments, such as two intrauterine inseminations and one in vitro fertilization. They opted for intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) with assisted oocyte activation (AOA) using a calcium (Ca) ionophore. The semen analysis showed globozoospermia, which indicated that ICSI was required for fertilization. Post-fertilization, embryo quality was assessed; three were in cleavage-stage embryos, and two grade 4AA and 3AA blastocysts and the rest were arrested at 2 pronuclear (2PN) stages, revealing successful embryo development. This case report implies that using AOA with Ca ionophores enhanced the fertilization outcomes and could be a helpful intervention strategy for patients with globozoospermia.