{Reference Type}: Journal Article {Title}: A Possible Correlation Between Auricular Angiomas and Breast Cancer Through Auricular Acupuncture Diagnosis: An Observational Case-Control Study. {Author}: Lovato A;Biral M;Postiglione M;Gagliardi G;Gagliardi V;Ceccherelli F; {Journal}: Cureus {Volume}: 16 {Issue}: 5 {Year}: 2024 May 暂无{DOI}: 10.7759/cureus.60834 {Abstract}: Introduction Auricular acupuncture (AA) can be used for both diagnosis and therapy. Diagnosis done with AA has become more prominent, with inspection by evaluating skin alterations considered the most important step. Literature on AA diagnosis in cancer patients is scarce. Globally, breast cancer (BC) is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women. Materials and methods Subjects accessing the outpatient Breast Unit Clinic of Padua for BC were evaluated for auricle angiomas, with collected data including a number of angiomas, Romoli's Sectogram sector of identified angiomas, laterality of the auricle with the angioma, age, and laterality of BC. Results Of the 438 subjects evaluated, 129 had BC, and 64 had an identifiable auricle angioma. The odds of an auricular angioma were higher in subjects with BC diagnosis, mainly localized in tumor area II and predominantly ipsilateral to the side affected by BC. Conclusions AA auricle inspection is a simple, quick, and easy diagnostic tool. Screening for the presence and location of auricular angiomas may help health practitioners refer women for BC screening for early diagnosis.