{Reference Type}: Case Reports {Title}: Management of Alcohol and Tobacco Use Disorders in a 39-Year-Old Hispanic Male With a Complex Medical Background: A Case Report. {Author}: Nazmin F;Chowdhury J; {Journal}: Cureus {Volume}: 16 {Issue}: 5 {Year}: 2024 May 暂无{DOI}: 10.7759/cureus.60930 {Abstract}: Substance use disorders affect the mental activities of an individual's brain and behavior, leading to a loss of control over their substance use, such as drugs, alcohol, and medication. However, these disorders are treatable. This case report presents and discusses the management of a 39-year-old Hispanic male with a complex medical background and a history of substance use. The patient, who resided with his mother in the Bronx, was admitted to the Outpatient Program (OPD) at the Life Recovery Center (LRC) Addiction Treatment Center for concurrent alcohol and tobacco use disorders. The patient had a history of anemia after bariatric surgery 10 years ago and no significant psychiatric history. Therefore, a comprehensive approach was required for the patient's treatment. The case further highlights the patient's presentation, treatment options, medication, and outcomes, which are essential for managing substance use disorders in individuals with complex medical backgrounds.