{Reference Type}: Journal Article {Title}: Nurses in health policy: Lessons learned from one cohort of the American Academy of Nursing Jonas Policy Scholars Program. {Author}: French R;Bradford HM;Cousin L;Grunin L;Jones KF;Muchira J;Ferrara S; {Journal}: Nurs Outlook {Volume}: 72 {Issue}: 5 {Year}: 2024 Jun 21 {Factor}: 3.315 {DOI}: 10.1016/j.outlook.2024.102175 {Abstract}: Nurses are underrepresented in health policy. The Jonas Policy Scholars Program is a vital and effective program that promotes mentoring, health policy, and engagement among early nurse researchers. The Jonas Policy Scholars Program should continue and be replicated by other organizations. Nurses must serve as health policy leaders within and beyond the field of nursing. Health policy content and immersion should be integrated throughout nursing education.