{Reference Type}: Journal Article {Title}: Perspectives of patients, dental professionals, and stakeholders on the use of silver diamine fluoride for the management of dental caries: a qualitative systematic review. {Author}: Soares GH;Poirier B;Cachagee M;Turton B;Werneck R;Jamieson L; {Journal}: J Dent {Volume}: 0 {Issue}: 0 {Year}: 2024 Jun 19 {Factor}: 4.991 {DOI}: 10.1016/j.jdent.2024.105145 {Abstract}: OBJECTIVE: This qualitative systematic review and meta-aggregation aimed to synthesise evidence regarding perceptions of patients, practitioners, and stakeholders on the use of Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) for the management of dental caries.
METHODS: This review was reported in alignment with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) and is registered with PROSPERO (CRD42023390301) and the Joanna Briggs Systematic Reviews register.
METHODS: References were retrieved from PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, and EMBASE using a pre-established search strategy.
METHODS: Qualitative and mixed-methods studies examining perspectives of patients, practitioners, and/or stakeholders on the use of SDF were included. The initial search identified 650 articles eligible for inclusion, out of which 14 articles were included in the review. Reviewers synthesised findings and generated 11 distinct categories grouped into three synthesised findings: 1) Clinical use; 2) Staining; 3) Facilitators and barriers.
CONCLUSIONS: Practitioners and patients viewed SDF as a therapeutic option with multiple benefits. While aesthetic concerns may be a barrier to some groups, the acceptance of the treatment was influenced by other factors, such as trusting professional advice.
CONCLUSIONS: Patient education is key for increased SDF acceptance. This systematic review can assist clinicians in addressing concerns regarding SDF therapy. Findings have the potential to inform policy decisions that address oral health inequities through patient-centred health care models.