{Reference Type}: Journal Article {Title}: Surgical management of unilateral restrictive strabismus in an 8-month-old dog. {Author}: Hung JH;Ford MM;Sanders MT;Stanley RG; {Journal}: N Z Vet J {Volume}: 0 {Issue}: 0 {Year}: 2024 Jun 17 {Factor}: 1.785 {DOI}: 10.1080/00480169.2024.2361619 {Abstract}: UNASSIGNED: An 8-month-old male, entire, mixed-breed dog was presented with a 1-month history of left exophthalmos and green mucopurulent ocular discharge. Subsequently, exophthalmos resolved but esotropia (medial strabismus) developed in the left eye, prompting referral to an ophthalmologist.
UNASSIGNED: At the initial referral consultation, enophthalmos and esotropia of the left eye were identified. The patient showed mild improvement after a 3-week tapering course of oral prednisolone and doxycycline. MRI was performed and showed left medial rectus muscle atrophy with increased contrast enhancement which was consistent with chronic extraocular muscle myositis (EOM). A forced duction test was performed to confirm the diagnosis of fibrosing esotropia, which is likely a sequela of chronic EOM.
UNASSIGNED: Fibrosing esotropia presumably caused by untreated EOM.
UNASSIGNED: One month later, esotropia progressed to a marked ventro-medial strabismus resulting in visual deprivation. Surgical release of the ventral oblique, medial and ventral recti muscles was performed, resulting in immediate resolution of the enophthalmos. Despite a tapering post-operative course of oral prednisolone, mild esotropia was present 4 weeks later. In an effort to stabilise the globe position, the low dose of prednisolone was increased to a higher anti-inflammatory dose before slowly tapering over 2 months. The vision in the left eye was improved after surgery and has been maintained since without further treatment.
UNASSIGNED: This is the first documented case of fibrosing esotropia in a young dog with prior signs of acute exophthalmos. Fibrosing esotropia has been documented in certain breeds or as a sequela to chronic EOM. In this patient, it was presumably caused by EOM, which was strongly supported by the case history, progression and MRI findings. Most historical reports of EOM described it as a bilateral condition that resolves with systemic corticosteroids at an anti-inflammatory dose. EOM has been shown to also present unilaterally and it can progress to strabismus if not promptly recognised and treated with systemic steroids. Surgical management can restore vision when severe strabismus results in visual deprivation.