{Reference Type}: Journal Article {Title}: Building consensus on the application of organoid-based drug sensitivity testing in cancer precision medicine and drug development. {Author}: Xiang D;He A;Zhou R;Wang Y;Xiao X;Gong T;Kang W;Lin X;Wang X; ;Liu L;Chen YG;Gao S;Liu Y; {Journal}: Theranostics {Volume}: 14 {Issue}: 8 {Year}: 2024 {Factor}: 11.6 {DOI}: 10.7150/thno.96027 {Abstract}: Patient-derived organoids (PDOs) have emerged as a promising platform for clinical and translational studies. A strong correlation exists between clinical outcomes and the use of PDOs to predict the efficacy of chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy. To standardize interpretation and enhance scientific communication in the field of cancer precision medicine, we revisit the concept of PDO-based drug sensitivity testing (DST). We present an expert consensus-driven approach for medication selection aimed at predicting patient responses. To further standardize PDO-based DST, we propose guidelines for clarification and characterization. Additionally, we identify several major challenges in clinical prediction when utilizing PDOs.