{Reference Type}: Journal Article {Title}: The impact of nursing sustainable prevention program on heat strain among agricultural elderly workers in the context of climate change. {Author}: Shaban M;Amer FGM;Shaban MM; {Journal}: Geriatr Nurs {Volume}: 58 {Issue}: 0 {Year}: 2024 Jun 4 {Factor}: 2.525 {DOI}: 10.1016/j.gerinurse.2024.05.021 {Abstract}: BACKGROUND: This study assesses a geriatric nursing-led sustainable heat prevention program for elderly agricultural workers. It targets those aged 60 and above, addressing the heightened risk of heat strain in the era of climate change.
METHODS: A community-based quasi-experimental design involved 120 elderly agricultural workers, divided into intervention and control groups. The program, spanning three months, included education on hydration, rest, protective clothing, and recognition of heat-related illnesses.
RESULTS: The intervention led by geriatric nursing professionals showed significant improvements in heat strain metrics. The Heat Strain Score Index (HSSI) and the Observational-Perceptual Heat Strain Risk Assessment (OPHSRA) Index indicated increased safety levels and reduced risk categories among participants.
CONCLUSIONS: The study demonstrates the effectiveness of a geriatric nursing-led, tailored prevention program in reducing heat strain among elderly agricultural workers. It highlights the crucial role of nursing in adapting healthcare practices to the challenges posed by climate change.
BACKGROUND: ClinicalTrials.gov, ID NCT06192069 retrospectively registered.