{Reference Type}: Journal Article {Title}: Critères influençant le choix du premier poste après l’internat de chirurgie orale en France. {Author}: Delattre C;Azogui S;Boussouni S;Guney S;Lescaille G;Fricain JC;Rochefort J; {Journal}: Sante Publique {Volume}: 36 {Issue}: 2 {Year}: 2024 {Factor}: 0.294 {DOI}: 10.3917/spub.242.0079 {Abstract}: BACKGROUND: The Specialized Diploma in Oral Surgery (Diplôme d’études spécialisées en chirurgie orale) was established in 2011. It gives its holders a unique combination of medical and surgical expertise. As a specialty, oral surgery can be pursued via both medical and dental pathways. However, the criteria guiding students’ choice of first job after residency remain largely unknown.
OBJECTIVE: The primary objective was to evaluate the factors influencing students’ choice of first job after completing their oral surgery residency.
RESULTS: The main geographical factors influencing job choice were the presence of family or friends, a short commute, and the location of the spouse’s place of work. Key practice conditions included access to advanced technical facilities and an operating theater offering general anesthesia. Clinical activities ranged from pre-implant grafts to general oral surgery. The likelihood of pursuing a hospital-based position in the same facility was correlated with the well-being experienced during the residency (p < 0.05) and with the oral surgeons’ medical background (p = 0.001). Significant associations exist between region of origin, internship location, and practice region (p < 0.001; p <0.001).
CONCLUSIONS: The main factors influencing the choice of first position after oral surgery residency depend on family-related and technical criteria.