{Reference Type}: Journal Article {Title}: Risk factors associated with oral Human Papillomavirus (HPV) prevalence within a young adult population. {Author}: Whitton AF;Knight GL;Marsh EK; {Journal}: BMC Public Health {Volume}: 24 {Issue}: 1 {Year}: 2024 Jun 3 {Factor}: 4.135 {DOI}: 10.1186/s12889-024-18977-x {Abstract}: BACKGROUND: The prevalence of, and risk factors for, genital Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infections within the young adult population are well-established; the same is not known for oral HPV. This observational study aimed to determine oral HPV prevalence and abundance within a UK young adult population, and examine if sexual practices and established risk factors of oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinomas (OPSCCs) (such as smoking and alcohol consumption) influenced HPV prevalence.
METHODS: Convenience sampling was used to recruit a small sample of 452 UK-based young adults studying at a higher education (HE) institution to the study; the study was not powered. A highly sensitive real-time PCR HPV screening method was developed for the detection of multiple HPV subtypes from oral swabs. HPV-positive samples were subsequently screened by qPCR for viral subtypes HPV-6, HPV-11, HPV-16, HPV-18. Results were analysed by univariate and multivariate methods and stratified for gender, with lifestyle behaviour data collected via questionnaire. Socio-economic status was not captured within the questionnaire.
RESULTS: We found a high oral HPV prevalence of 22.79%, with a dominance of high-risk viral type HPV-16 (prevalence 19.12%; abundance average 1.08 × 105 copies/million cells) detected within healthy young adults. Frequent smoking (p = .05), masturbation (p = .029), and engagement in multiple sexual activities (p = .057), were found to be associated with oral HPV prevalence, and HPV-16 prevalence, whilst behaviours traditionally associated with genital HPV were not.
CONCLUSIONS: Our results strengthen the link between sexual practices and oral HPV transmission. We suggest that young adults should be considered high-risk for the contraction of oral HPV, although acknowledge that this sample of HE students may not be representative of the wider population. We show that high-risk HPV-16 is prevalent in the healthy population, as well as dominating within OPSCC; this study is one of the first to determine the dominance of oral HPV-16 prevalence and abundance within this population, presenting a clear need for greater awareness of oral HPV infections, and the risk factors for HPV-positive OPSCC within young adults.