{Reference Type}: Case Reports {Title}: Understanding Kerion Celsi in Children: Diagnosis and Therapeutic Guidelines Through an Algorithm. {Author}: Figueroa Basurto CI;Shuchleib Cukiert M;Juárez Durán ER;Vega-Memije ME;Ramírez Terán AL; {Journal}: Cureus {Volume}: 16 {Issue}: 4 {Year}: 2024 Apr 暂无{DOI}: 10.7759/cureus.58475 {Abstract}: Kerion celsi (KC), known as scalp ringworm, is the most common dermatophytosis in children. In Mexico, it ranks fourth among dermatophytoses, with a frequency of 4%-10%. KC is the inflammatory variety of tinea capitis (TC), with the most common causative agents being Microsporum canis and Trichophyton mentagrophytes. We present the clinical case of a six-year-old male diagnosed with KC. Direct examination stained with chlorazol black and cultures were performed, yielding negative results. Histopathological study revealed spores and short hyphae within and surrounding the hair shaft. Treatment with itraconazole was initiated based on suspicion of Microsporum spp. from the trichoscopy findings. We propose a diagnostic and therapeutic algorithm for kerion celsi.