{Reference Type}: Case Reports {Title}: A giant ovarian cyst torsion: Case report. {Author}: Hongju H; {Journal}: Medicine (Baltimore) {Volume}: 103 {Issue}: 15 {Year}: 2024 Apr 12 {Factor}: 1.817 {DOI}: 10.1097/MD.0000000000033283 {Abstract}: BACKGROUND: Adnexal torsion (AT) is one of a gynecological condition characterized by an acute abdomen. Clinically, a giant ovarian cyst torsion with a diameter of 30 cm is rare. Therefore, an accurate and timely diagnosis and treatment are important.
METHODS: A 25-year-old unmarried female, presented to the emergency department with intermittent abdominal cramps after a sudden change in position. Considering her symptoms and examination, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) results, ovarian cyst torsion was suspected.
METHODS: Giant ovarian cyst torsion.
METHODS: Surgical intervention with exploratory laparotomy was performed immediately.
RESULTS: Intraoperatively, we found a 30-cm left ovarian cyst with a clear root. The left fallopian tube, infundibulopelvic ligament, and ovarian ligament were twisted 900 degrees. Finally, the pathological report revealed mucinous cystadenoma.
CONCLUSIONS: Giant ovarian cyst torsion with a diameter of 30 cm is rare. Considering her symptoms and examination, ultrasound, and MRI results, ovarian cyst torsion was suspected. The patient was successfully treated using emergency surgery.