{Reference Type}: English Abstract {Title}: [Exploring Significant Predictors of Retention Willingness in Nurses Diagnosed With COVID-19]. {Author}: Yang PH;Tseng YH;Cheng SC; {Journal}: Hu Li Za Zhi {Volume}: 70 {Issue}: 2 {Year}: 2023 Apr 暂无{DOI}: 10.6224/JN.202404_71(2).08 {Abstract}: BACKGROUND: COVID-19 affected both the physical and mental health of frontline nurses and the stability of the nursing workforce.
OBJECTIVE: This study was designed to explore the influence of demographic variables, physical and mental health status, perceived work stress, and job satisfaction on intention to continue working as nurses among nursing staff who had been infected by COVID-19.
METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, an internal online survey was used to collect data from 152 nurses at a hospital in southern Taiwan. The questionnaires in the survey included the Chinese Health Survey Scale, Stress Scale on COVID-19 Patient Care, McCloskey/ Mueller Satisfaction Scale, and Employee Retention Scale. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS/Windows 22.0.
RESULTS: The most significant predictors identified included age, seniority, level of education, job satisfaction, physical and mental wellbeing, and work stress. These predictors collectively explained 32% of the total variance in retention willingness (F [18,128] = 4.78, p < .001). Almost half (46.7%; 71/152) of the participants expressed intent to continue working in nursing. Being a senior staff and having a master's degree or higher were positively associated with retention.
CONCLUSIONS: The findings may be referenced by healthcare organizations and managers to help healthcare staff gain strength and resilience against future pandemics. Key recommendations include reducing staff work stress, increasing job satisfaction, and facilitating a more equitable life-work balance.
BACKGROUND: 曾確診COVID-19護理師留任意願重要預測因子之探討.
UNASSIGNED: 感染COVID-19影響第一線護理師的身心健康和護理人力的穩定性。.
UNASSIGNED: 探討南台灣醫院確診過COVID-19護理師留任意願的重要預測因子。.
UNASSIGNED: 採取橫斷式研究設計,經南部一家醫院倫理委員會審核後通過,再經相關單位主管同意由院內系統通知同仁進行網路問卷調查152位護理師。採用「華人健康調查量表」、「醫院員工照顧COVID-19病人壓力量表」、「穆勒-麥克勞斯基工作滿意度量表」及「留任意願量表」結構式問卷,以SPSS/ Windows 22.0版軟體程式進行統計分析。.
UNASSIGNED: 在醫院防疫過程中,年齡、教育程度、身心健康、工作滿意度及工作壓力為曾確診COVID-19護理師留任意願之重要預測因子,可解釋留任意願總變異量32%,F(18,128) = 4.78, p < .001。曾確診COVID-19護理師46.7%(71/152)有留任意願,資深、大學以上之護理師留任意願較高。.
UNASSIGNED: 本研究結果能提供醫療機構及主管訊息,在傳染病防疫期間護理師受到感染後,可安排放鬆訓練與休閒活動,使生活與工作能達到平衡,讓護理師在面對新興傳染病散播衝擊時更有韌性,願意繼續留在工作崗位。.