{Reference Type}: Journal Article {Title}: Laparoscopic myomectomy videos on WebSurg and YouTube: does peer review process make a difference? {Author}: Can S;Aktoz F; {Journal}: J Turk Ger Gynecol Assoc {Volume}: 25 {Issue}: 1 {Year}: 2024 Mar 6 暂无{DOI}: 10.4274/jtgga.galenos.2023.2023-5-7 {Abstract}: UNASSIGNED: This study aimed to evaluate the quality of laparoscopic myomectomy videos on YouTube and WebSurg.
UNASSIGNED: We searched using the keyword "laparoscopic myomectomy" on WebSurg and selected surgical interventions in the gynecology section. Eleven videos on WebSurg were enrolled. We selected the 22 most-relevant videos on YouTube to create a comparison group, with a ratio of 1:2. Sound in videos, number of subscribers, views, likes, and comments, number of days since videos were uploaded and durations of videos were recorded. View/day, like/view, like/subscriber, and view/subscriber ratios were calculated. The videos were evaluated with usefulness score (US), global quality scoring (GQS), modified discern score (mDS) and laparoscopic surgery video educational guidelines (LAP-VEGaS).
UNASSIGNED: The view/day ratio was lower in WebSurg compared to YouTube [1.3 (1.9) vs. 7.5 (30.6), respectively; p=0.039]. No difference was found between WebSurg and YouTube in terms of US, GQS and mDS. On LAP-VEGaS assessment, WebSurg was found to be superior to YouTube in terms of intraoperative findings [2 (1-2) vs. 1 (0-2), p=0.001], additional materials [1 (0-2) vs. 1 (0-1), p=0.041], audio/written commentary [2 (2-2) vs. 2 (0-2), p=0.037], image quality [2 (2-2) vs. 2 (0-2), p=0.023], questions and total score [12 (11-13) vs. 10.5 (4-13), p=0.006]. The proportion of high-quality video was higher in WebSurg compared to YouTube, when the cut-off value of total score of 11 or 12 was used as 10 (100%) vs. 10 (50%), p=0.011 and 9 (90%) vs. 5 (25%), p=0.001, respectively.
UNASSIGNED: WebSurg was better compared to YouTube in terms of quality of laparoscopic myomectomy videos.