{Reference Type}: Journal Article {Title}: Probing Reactivity with External Forces: The Case of Nitroacetamides in Water. {Author}: La Penna G;Machetti F; {Journal}: Molecules {Volume}: 29 {Issue}: 1 {Year}: 2023 Dec 19 {Factor}: 4.927 {DOI}: 10.3390/molecules29010009 {Abstract}: Many computational methods have been applied to interpret and predict changes in reactivity by slight modifications of a given molecular scaffold. We describe a novel and simple method based on approximate density-functional theory of valence electrons that can be applied within a large high-performance computational infrastructure to probe such changes using a statistical sample of molecular configurations, including the solvent. All the used computational tools are fully open-source. Following our previous application, we are able to explain the high acidity of C-H bond at α position in nitro compounds when the amide linkage an ammonium group is inserted into the α substituent.