{Reference Type}: Journal Article {Title}: [Redox-dependent mechanisms of regulation of breast epithelial cell proliferation]. {Author}: Stepovaya EA;Shakhristova EV;Nosareva OL;Rudikov EV;Egorova MY;Egorova DY;Novitsky VV; {Journal}: Biomed Khim {Volume}: 63 {Issue}: 2 {Year}: Mar 2017 暂无{DOI}: 10.18097/PBMC20176302159 {Abstract}: Activation of free radical oxidation in different cell types, including breast epithelial cells, may result in damage to macromolecules, in particular, proteins taking part in regulation of cell proliferation and apoptosis. The glutathione, glutaredoxin and thioredoxin systems play an essential role in maintaining intracellular redox homeostasis. Due to this fact, modulation of cellular redox status under the effect of an SH group inhibitor and an SH group protector may be used as a model for studying the role of redox proteins and glutathione in regulating cell proliferation in different pathological processes. In this study we have evaluated the state of the thioredoxin, glutaredoxin and glutathione systems as well as their role in regulating proliferation of HBL-100 breast epithelial cells under redox status modulation with N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) and 1,4-dithioerythriol (DTE). Modulating the redox status of breast epithelial cells under the effect of NEM and DTE influences the functional activity of glutathione-dependent enzymes, glutaredoxin, thioredoxin, and thioredoxin reductase through changes in the GSH and GSSG concentrations. In HBL-100 cells under redox-status modulation, we have found an increase in the number of cells in the S-phase of the cell cycle and a decrease in the number of cells in the G0/G1 and G2/М phases, as opposed to the values in the intact culture. The proposed model of proliferative activity of cells under redox status modulation may be used for development of new therapeutic approaches for treatment of diseases accompanied by oxidative stress generation.
Aktivatsiia svobodnoradikal'nogo okisleniia v razlichnykh tipakh kletok, v tom chisle kletkakh épiteliia molochnoĭ zhelezy, sposobna privodit' k povrezhdeniiu makromolekul, v chastnosti belkov, uchastvuiushchikh v reguliatsii proliferatsii i programmirovannoĭ kletochnoĭ gibeli. V podderzhanii vnutrikletochnogo redoks-gomeostaza vazhnuiu rol' igraiut sistemy glutationa, tioredoksina i glutaredoksina. V sviazi s étim moduliatsiia redoks-statusa kletok pri deĭstvii blokatora i protektora SH-grupp belkov mozhet byt' ispol'zovana v kachestve modeli dlia izucheniia roli redoks-belkov i glutationa v reguliatsii proliferatsii kletok pri razvitii razlichnykh patologicheskikh protsessov. V dannoĭ rabote issledovali sostoianie sistem tioredoksina, glutaredoksina, glutationa i ikh rol' v reguliatsii proliferatsii kletok épiteliia molochnoĭ zhelezy linii HBL-100 pri moduliatsii redoks-statusa s pomoshch'iu N-étilmaleimida i 1,4-ditioéritritola. Moduliatsiia redoks-statusa kletok épiteliia molochnoĭ zhelezy pri deĭstvii blokatora (N-étilmaleimida) i protektora (1,4-ditioéritritola) tiolovykh grupp belkov i peptidov, sposobstvuet izmeneniiu funktsional'noĭ aktivnosti glutationzavisimykh fermentov, glutaredoksina, tioredoksina i tioredoksinreduktazy posredstvom izmeneniia kontsentratsii GSH i GSSG. V kletkakh linii HBL-100 pri moduliatsii redoks-statusa obnaruzheno uvelichenie kolichestva kletok v S faze kletochnogo tsikla i snizhenie – v G0/G1 i G2/M fazakh po sravneniiu so znacheniiami pokazateleĭ v intaktnoĭ kul'ture. Predlozhennyĭ sposob otsenki proliferativnoĭ aktivnosti kletok pri moduliatsii ikh redoks-sostoianiia mozhet byt' ispol'zovan pri razrabotke novykh terapevticheskikh podkhodov dlia lecheniia zabolevaniĭ, soprovozhdaiushchikhsia razvitiem okislitel'nogo stressa.