%0 Case Reports %T Ludwig's Angina During Pregnancy-A Case Report. %A Balaji VCR %A Vani K %J Indian J Dent Res %V 35 %N 1 %D 2024 Jan 1 %M 38934759 暂无%R 10.4103/ijdr.ijdr_839_23 %X UNASSIGNED: Pregnancy is accompanied by several physiological changes such as altered salivary flow rate, mucosal immunity and altered microbial flora. This may predispose pregnant women to oral health problems. This could be accentuated by oral health neglect, polypharmacy and a host of other factors, including dietary modification. However, a very significant percentage of women are not counselled on oral health during pregnancy. Lack of proper oral healthcare and awareness predispose pregnant women to oral and odontogenic infections, which can lead to severe complications. The manuscript aims to present a rare case of Ludwig's angina (LA) in a full-term pregnant woman requiring immediate attention.