%0 Journal Article %T Assessment of toxic elements in selected fish species in the marine water at Jamestown, Ghana. %A Sackey LNA %A Twum N %A Antwi AB %A Fei-Baffoe B %J Heliyon %V 10 %N 11 %D 2024 Jun 15 %M 38933973 %F 3.776 %R 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e32387 %X Fish is an excellent source of low-fat protein. Fish contains a lot of omega-3 fatty acids, as well as vitamins D and B2 (riboflavin). The daily consumption of contaminated food, especially fish, is among the primary cause of heavy metals pollution to human health. The aim of the research was to determine the concentration of heavy metals in selected species of fish from the Gulf of Guinea at James Town in Ghana. In tandem with the study's objective, samples of different forms of fish, Cassava fish, Flatfish, Redfish, Kingfish, and Silverfish, and sediment were obtained and analyzed for the presence of heavy metals using atomic absorption spectrometer (PerkinElmer®, PinAAcle 900T). The analysis indicated a high concentration of Pb, Cd, and Cr concentrations in fish gills, muscles, and sediment. High lead concentration in Silverfish gills (5.9 mg/kg) and Flatfish gills (2.29 mg/kg) above WHO levels. Cadmium was found in all fish species and sediment except Kingfish. Chromium concentrations were high n Cassava fish (3.10 mg/kg) and Silverfish (4.01 mg/kg) and copper concentrations were absent in the fish species. Arsenic and mercury were also not detected in all fish species and sediment. Manganese concentrations were found in fish and sediment. High cadmium target hazard quotient (0.17-11.60 for adults and 0.24 to 16.24 for children) and cancer risk (0.00-0.04) values in fish samples indicated potential health concerns. The Hazard Index (HI) for the analyzed samples ranged from 0.00 to 12.48 for adults and 0.00 to 17.47 for children. The study suggests that eliminating pollution and other sources of waterbody pollution is crucial to protecting the marine environment and the health of seafood consumers.