%0 Journal Article %T Metal complexes induced ferroptosis for anticancer therapy. %A Li S %A Yuan H %A Chen Y %A Guo Z %J Fundam Res %V 3 %N 4 %D 2023 Jul %M 38933555 暂无%R 10.1016/j.fmre.2022.10.001 %X Metal complexes for anti-tumor treatment have been developed rapidly in recent decades since the application of cisplatin in clinics. However, some tumor cells are resistant to apoptosis and not sensitive to metallodrugs that function through the apoptotic pathway. Recently, metal complexes have been reported to cause ferroptosis against tumor cells, which offers new opportunities for anticancer therapy. In this perspective, ferroptosis-inducing metal complexes and their working mechanisms are introduced, while the challenges and opportunities are also discussed.