%0 Journal Article %T A Case-based Implementation of Heart Failure Therapies, a Consensus Pathway by the Saudi Heart Failure Working Group. %A Bakhsh A %A Jelaidan I %A Chaudhary AG %A Al Amro S %A Alghalayini K %A Almogbel O %A Alqaseer M %A Albackr HB %A Elshaer F %A Al Ayoubi F %J J Saudi Heart Assoc %V 36 %N 2 %D 2024 %M 38919506 暂无%R 10.37616/2212-5043.1375 %X The implementation of guideline-directed medical therapy (GDMT) in heart failure (HF) has many challenges in real-world clinical practice. The consensus document is written considering the variability of the clinical presentation of HF patients. HF medical therapies need frequent dose adjustment during hospital admission or when patients develop electrolyte imbalance, acute kidney injury, and other acute illnesses. The paper describes clinical scenarios and graphs that will aid the managing physicians in decision-making for HF therapy optimization.