%0 Journal Article %T REM and NREM Sleep Parasomnia in Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis. %A Ribeiro L %A Psimaras D %A Vollhardt R %A Honnorat J %A Méneret A %A Demeret S %A Celier A %A Valyraki NE %A Cousyn L %A Le Guennec L %A Arnulf I %A Gales AZ %J Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm %V 11 %N 5 %D 2024 Sep %M 38917379 %F 11.36 %R 10.1212/NXI.0000000000200203 %X OBJECTIVE: Encephalitis with anti-N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor antibodies (anti-NMDARe) is a rare disorder characterized by cognitive impairment, psychosis, seizures, and abnormal movements. Abnormal behaviors during REM sleep have not been described in anti-NMDARe.
METHODS: Patients were monitored by video-polysomnography on a first night followed by multiple sleep latency tests and 18 hours of bed rest.
RESULTS: Two patients with anti-NMDARe developed during the acute and postacute phase parasomnias including REM sleep behavior disorder and continuous finalistic quiet gesturing during a mixed N2/R sleep. The parasomnia disorder was improved by gabapentin and clonazepam.
CONCLUSIONS: Video-polysomnography avoids misdiagnosing these parasomnia behaviors for seizure or movement disorders and allows adequate treatment.