%0 Multicenter Study %T Development of an ontology for laparoscopic transabdominal adrenalectomy via a comprehensive modified Delphi survey and its validation on a multicentric pilot data set for surgical training and future video analysis with machine learning algorithms. %A Seeliger B %A Di Lorenzo S %A Alesina PF %A Brunaud L %A Chiapponi C %A De Crea C %A Donatini G %A Iacobone M %A Makay Ă– %A Mihai R %A Mogl MT %A Mutter D %A Padoy N %A Palazzo F %A Vidal O %A PennestrĂ­ F %A Marescaux J %A Vix M %A Raffaelli M %J Br J Surg %V 111 %N 6 %D 2024 Jun 12 %M 38916133 %F 11.122 %R 10.1093/bjs/znae148 %X Surgical technique is essential to ensure safe minimally invasive adrenalectomy. Due to the relative rarity of adrenal surgery, it is challenging to ensure adequate exposure in surgical training. Surgical video analysis supports auto-evaluation, expert assessment and could be a target for automatization. The developed ontology was validated by a European expert consensus and is applicable across the surgical techniques encountered in all participating centres, with an exemplary demonstration in bi-centric recordings. Standardization of adrenalectomy video analysis may foster surgical training and enable machine learning training for automated safety alerts.