%0 Journal Article %T Development of a structured validated module to inculcate research skills in medical undergraduates. %A Sidhu TK %A Mahajan R %A Kaur D %A Bhandari B %J Natl Med J India %V 36 %N 6 %D 2023 Nov-Dec %M 38909298 %F 0.559 %R 10.25259/NMJI_439_21 %X Background Evidence-based research aids in decision-making in the health sector for developing health policies for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Medical research is not taught in the undergraduate curriculum. Studies show that attributes of research knowledge, awareness and practical involvement in research are low among undergraduate students. We developed and validated a module and trained undergraduate students in research skills through an inter-ventional workshop using the structured module. Methods We did this participatory action research with a mixed-methods approach in the Department of Community Medicine at Adesh Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Bathinda, Punjab. A structured module was developed by the core committee and validated internally and externally. Pilot testing of the module was done by delivering it in the form of a workshop to 46 students. For statistical analysis, percentage agreements, validity indices, median (interquartile range), satisfaction percentages and Wilcoxon sign test were used. Results The structured and validated module was established to have high face validity (>90%) and content validity (CVI=0.975). The module was successfully pilot tested for delivery through both onsite and online modes. The satisfaction percentage with the workshop was 91% and 100% and overall rating of the module was 74% and 91% by interns and MBBS students, and 100% by faculty. The scores of knowledge and skills were found to be significantly higher on all variables post workshop with p<0.001. All students scored satisfactory grades for research skills. Conclusions Teaching research using a structured validated module improved the knowledge and skills related to research among students. Both students and faculty were satisfied with the use of the structured module.