%0 Journal Article %T Impact of evolution on lifestyle in microbiome. %A González A %A Fullaondo A %A Odriozola A %J Adv Genet %V 111 %N 0 %D 2024 %M 38908899 %F 3.88 %R 10.1016/bs.adgen.2024.02.003 %X This chapter analyses the interaction between microbiota and humans from an evolutionary point of view. Long-term interactions between gut microbiota and host have been generated as a result of dietary choices through coevolutionary processes, where mutuality of advantage is essential. Likewise, the characteristics of the intestinal environment have made it possible to describe different intrahost evolutionary mechanisms affecting microbiota. For its part, the intestinal microbiota has been of great importance in the evolution of mammals, allowing the diversification of dietary niches, phenotypic plasticity and the selection of host phenotypes. Although the origin of the human intestinal microbial community is still not known with certainty, mother-offspring transmission plays a key role, and it seems that transmissibility between individuals in adulthood also has important implications. Finally, it should be noted that certain aspects inherent to modern lifestyle, including refined diets, antibiotic intake, exposure to air pollutants, microplastics, and stress, could negatively affect the diversity and composition of our gut microbiota. This chapter aims to combine current knowledge to provide a comprehensive view of the interaction between microbiota and humans throughout evolution.