%0 Journal Article %T Medical students within the Radiology Departments: Drawback or opportunity? %A García Santos JM %J Radiologia (Engl Ed) %V 66 %N 3 %D 2024 May-Jun %M 38908890 暂无%R 10.1016/j.rxeng.2023.08.004 %X University Radiology training has been carried out for years out of the Radiology Departments, where radiologists play their professional role. However, the educational needs and the leadership of the Scientific Societies make the Radiology Departments to be involved more and more in that training, though it has to be done in overloaded professional environments where medical students can be seen as a drawback. Nevertheless, radiologists must play an important role in the Radiology training of the future doctors for optimising the use of diagnostic imaging techniques and enhance the future of the specialty by bringing to our Departments those medical students who had demonstrated the most adequate personal profiles. The Radiology Department is that place to succeed by increasing the healthcare outcomes, the research results and the visibility of Radiology through a fruitful interaction between radiologists and medical students.