%0 Journal Article %T Cardiometabolic Disorder and Erectile Dysfunction. %A Adeyemi D %A Arokoyo D %A Hamed M %A Dare A %A Oyedokun P %A Akhigbe R %J Cell Biochem Biophys %V 0 %N 0 %D 2024 Jun 22 %M 38907942 %F 2.989 %R 10.1007/s12013-024-01361-2 %X Erectile dysfunction (ED), which is defined as the inability to attain and maintain a satisfactory penile erection to sufficiently permit sexual intercourse, is a consequence and also a cause of cardiometabolic disorders like diabetes mellitus, systemic hypertension, central obesity, and dyslipidemia. Although there are mounting and convincing pieces of evidence in the literature linking ED and cardiometabolic disorders, impairment of nitric oxide-dependent vasodilatation seems to be the primary signaling pathway. Studies have also implicated the suppression of circulating testosterone, increased endothelin-1, and hyperactivation of Ang II/ATIr in the pathogenesis of ED and cardiometabolic disorders. This study provides comprehensive details of the association between cardiometabolic disorders and ED and highlights the mechanisms involved. This would open areas to be explored as therapeutic targets in the management of ED and cardiometabolic disorders. It also provides sufficient evidence establishing the need for the management of cardiometabolic disorders as an adjunct therapy in the management of ED.