%0 Journal Article %T Differential Diagnosis, Prevention Measures, and Therapeutic Interventions for Enhanced Monkeypox (Mpox) Care. %A Khan I %A S M %A Dixit T %A Shinkre R %A Ravindran S %A Bandyopadhyay S %J Cureus %V 16 %N 5 %D 2024 May %M 38903311 暂无%R 10.7759/cureus.60724 %X Monkeypox (Mpox) is a rare viral disease that presents considerable challenges in healthcare settings, necessitating enhanced nursing care for effective management. This review thoroughly explores key aspects related to improving nursing care for Mpox. It commences by examining the background information on Mpox, encompassing its etiology, epidemiology, and modes of transmission. The differential diagnosis of Mpox is investigated, elucidating its clinical presentation, symptoms, and diagnostic methods to differentiate it from similar conditions. Prevention and control measures at both the public health and healthcare levels are scrutinized, including surveillance and reporting, contact tracing, isolation, and vaccination programs. In healthcare settings, infection prevention and control strategies, such as proper utilization of personal protective equipment, hand hygiene, and environmental management, are discussed. Furthermore, therapeutic interventions for Mpox, including symptomatic management, antiviral therapy, and supportive care, are outlined, with a specific emphasis on pain management, fever control, and psychosocial support. Nursing care strategies encompass patient assessment and monitoring, infection prevention strategies, psychosocial support, and patient education. The challenges encountered in enhancing nursing care for Mpox are acknowledged, along with research gaps and areas for further investigation. Finally, innovations in nursing practice for improved care, such as technology integration and simulation-based training, are explored. Enhancing nursing care in Mpox is crucial for positive patient outcomes, reducing transmission risks, and promoting overall well-being. By addressing the unique challenges, conducting further research, and embracing innovative practices, healthcare professionals, particularly nurses, can provide optimal care and contribute to better management of Mpox cases.