%0 Journal Article %T Tooth-Whitening with a Novel Phthalimido Peroxy Caproic Acid: Short Communication. %A Stübinger S %A Altenried S %A Ren Q %J Clin Cosmet Investig Dent %V 16 %N 0 %D 2024 %M 38881836 暂无%R 10.2147/CCIDE.S450920 %X Professional tooth whitening in the dental office is a popular cosmetic procedure and is performed under carefully monitored conditions. This allows the controlled application of a relatively high concentration of bleaching ingredients based on hydrogen peroxide or peroxide derivatives which produce reactive oxygen species, and consequently induce enamel erosion, alteration of the microhardness of the teeth, irritation of the gums, pain or post bleach sensitivity. This short communication describes the successful and reliable application of a new professional tooth whitening technique using a novel phthalimido peroxycaproic acid complex while avoiding reactive oxygen species.