%0 Case Reports %T Acute primary chylous peritonitis mimicking acute abdomen: a case report and literature review. %A Zenati H %A Jallali M %A Korbi A %A Chaka A %A Jabra SB %A Korbi I %A Noomen F %J Pan Afr Med J %V 47 %N 0 %D 2024 %M 38881770 暂无%R 10.11604/pamj.2024.47.131.42794 %X Acute chylous peritonitis is an uncommon medical condition that can occur suddenly, resulting in the buildup of chylous fluid in the peritoneal cavity. It is considered idiopathic because the exact cause is often unknown. The symptoms of acute chylous idiopathic peritonitis can mimic other abdominal emergencies, making it challenging to diagnose and manage, requiring a multidisciplinary approach. We present a case report of acute idiopathic chylous peritonitis miming acute abdomen, how was successfully treated with surgery, and provide a comprehensive review of the available literature on this topic. Chylous peritonitis is a rare condition whose clinical presentation mimics an acute abdomen. It is necessary to undertake careful exploration. An emergent laparotomy is indicated to treat the peritonitis and search for and treat the underlying cause.