%0 Case Reports %T Perioperative management of phaeochromocytoma with stress cardiomyopathy and aberrant vascular drainage. %A Ng AJT %A Tiwari RV %A Ho VK %A Lee LS %J BMJ Case Rep %V 17 %N 6 %D 2024 Jun 11 %M 38862185 暂无%R 10.1136/bcr-2024-260479 %X The following case discusses the surgical considerations for a patient presenting with cardiogenic shock secondary to a phaeochromocytoma crisis with stress cardiomyopathy. The patient underwent an interval laparoscopic adrenalectomy. Pneumoperitoneum insufflation was performed at lower pressures; manipulation of the adrenal tumour was minimised, and the adrenal vein was ligated early. However, as intraoperative blood pressure (BP) remained elevated and rising, further gentle dissection revealed an aberrant inferior phrenic vein draining the adrenal nodule. BP was finally reduced following ligation of the inferior phrenic vein, demonstrating the clinical significance of an unusual dual venous drainage from the adrenal nodule in this patient.