%0 Case Reports %T Complex Hernia Presentation: A Case Study of Concurrent Spigelian and Pantaloon Hernias in a 49-Year-Old Female. %A Navandhar PS %A Gharde P %A Shinde RK %A Nagtode T %A Sapkale B %A Kulkarni V %J Cureus %V 16 %N 5 %D 2024 May %M 38860070 暂无%R 10.7759/cureus.60070 %X A 49-year-old woman with a complicated hernia presentation, including direct and indirect inguinal hernias, Spigelian hernias, and Pantaloon hernias, is presented in the case report. The diagnosis was verified by a comprehensive physical examination and imaging, which resulted in a Lichtenstein operation for repair. The surgical procedure for hernia comprised of painstaking dissection, reduction of the hernia sac, and implantation of a prosthetic mesh. The instance emphasizes the value of individualized treatment programs and draws attention to the intricate anatomical details of hernia surgery. Analyzing situations that are similar to one another highlights the necessity of customized strategies to improve patient outcomes.