%0 Journal Article %T A consensus molecular subtypes classification strategy for clinical colorectal cancer tissues. %A de Back TR %A Wu T %A Schafrat PJ %A Ten Hoorn S %A Tan M %A He L %A van Hooff SR %A Koster J %A Nijman LE %A Vink GR %A Beumer IJ %A Elbers CC %A Lenos KJ %A Sommeijer DW %A Wang X %A Vermeulen L %J Life Sci Alliance %V 7 %N 8 %D 2024 Aug %M 38782602 %F 5.781 %R 10.26508/lsa.202402730 %X Consensus Molecular Subtype (CMS) classification of colorectal cancer (CRC) tissues is complicated by RNA degradation upon formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) preservation. Here, we present an FFPE-curated CMS classifier. The CMSFFPE classifier was developed using genes with a high transcript integrity in FFPE-derived RNA. We evaluated the classification accuracy in two FFPE-RNA datasets with matched fresh-frozen (FF) RNA data, and an FF-derived RNA set. An FFPE-RNA application cohort of metastatic CRC patients was established, partly treated with anti-EGFR therapy. Key characteristics per CMS were assessed. Cross-referenced with matched benchmark FF CMS calls, the CMSFFPE classifier strongly improved classification accuracy in two FFPE datasets compared with the original CMSClassifier (63.6% versus 40.9% and 83.3% versus 66.7%, respectively). We recovered CMS-specific recurrence-free survival patterns (CMS4 versus CMS2: hazard ratio 1.75, 95% CI 1.24-2.46). Key molecular and clinical associations of the CMSs were confirmed. In particular, we demonstrated the predictive value of CMS2 and CMS3 for anti-EGFR therapy response (CMS2&3: odds ratio 5.48, 95% CI 1.10-27.27). The CMSFFPE classifier is an optimized FFPE-curated research tool for CMS classification of clinical CRC samples.