%0 Journal Article %T Sexual Dysfunction After Menopause: Guidelines for Assessment and Management. %A Christmas MM %A Reed S %J Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am %V 51 %N 2 %D 2024 Jun %M 38777488 %F 2.838 %R 10.1016/j.ogc.2024.02.007 %X Female sexual dysfunction commonly occurs during the menopause transition and post-menopause due to hormonal, physiologic, and psychosocial factors. Sexuality is important to aging women; however, many are reluctant to seek treatment for their sexual concerns. Clinicians should be adept at managing and treating sexual dysfunction in this population. A multi-dimensional treatment approach that addresses modifiable mental, physical, and psychosocial factors is warranted to improve sexual function and quality of life.