%0 Journal Article %T Critical assessment of popular biomolecular force fields for molecular dynamics simulations of folding and enzymatic activity of main protease of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. %A Lohachova KO %A Kyrychenko A %A Kalugin ON %J Biophys Chem %V 311 %N 0 %D 2024 Aug 16 %M 38776839 %F 3.628 %R 10.1016/j.bpc.2024.107258 %X The main cysteine protease (Mpro) of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 has become a promising target for computational development in anti-COVID-19 treatments. Here, we benchmarked the performance of six biomolecular molecular dynamics (MD) force fields (OPLS-AA, CHARMM27, CHARMM36, AMBER03, AMBER14SB and GROMOS G54A7) and three water models (TIP3P, TIP4P and SPC) for reproducing the native fold and the enzymatic activity of Mpro as monomeric and dimeric units. The MD sampling up to 1 μs suggested that the proper choice of the force fields and water models plays an essential role in reproducing the tertiary structure and the inter-residue distance between the catalytic dyad His41-Cys145. We found that while most benchmarked all-atom force fields reproduce well the native fold of Mpro, the CHARMM27/TIP3P and OPLS-AA/TIP4P setups revealed a good performance in reproducing the structure of the catalytic domain. In addition, these FF setups were also well-adopted for MD sampling of Mpro at the physiologic conditions by mimicking the presence of 100 mM NaCl and the elevated temperature of 310 K. Finally, both FFs were also performed well in reproducing the native fold of Mpro in a dimeric form. Therefore, comparing the preservation of the native fold of Mpro and the stability of its catalytic site architecture, our MD benchmarking suggests that the OPLS-AA/TIP4P and CHARMM27/TIP3P MD setups at the physiologic conditions may be well-suited for rapid in silico screening and developing broad-spectrum anti-coronaviral therapeutic agents.