%0 Journal Article %T Immediate implant placement in a dialysis patient. A case report. %A Köttgen C %A Köttgen I %A Plaster U %J Int J Esthet Dent %V 19 %N 2 %D 2024 May 10 %M 38726857 暂无%X Implant-supported rehabilitation in high-risk patients poses significant challenges for the dental team. The presence of comorbidities and increased infection risk can, for example, lead to a higher risk of implant loss. For the therapy to be completed with as few complications as possible, special anamnesis, detailed diagnostics, and a risk analysis based on those findings are indispensable. The aim of all considerations is to keep the risk of infection for the patient with a disease history to a minimum and to strive for an appropriate functional and esthetic therapeutic success. Particularly in the esthetic zone, in addition to the general health risks of the surgical procedure, esthetic aspects are increasingly taken into account in planning. The present article describes the implant-prosthetic replacement of a single anterior tooth in a dialysis patient. Several aspects (regular dialysis, missing buccal lamella, high smile line, functional risk) increased the risk of complications in this case.