%0 Journal Article %T Anaphylaxis as probable cause of death in a rare case of fatal Vipera berus bite. %A Mittendorf AF %A Winskog C %J Forensic Sci Med Pathol %V 0 %N 0 %D 2024 Jan 24 %M 38265556 %F 2.456 %R 10.1007/s12024-023-00776-2 %X This case report describes the death of a 52-year-old male who was bitten by a venomous snake, Vipera berus (common European adder), on his left wrist. Despite experiencing symptoms, the patient refused medical care and self-medicated with alcohol instead. He was later found dead in his residence. Autopsy and histological examination revealed evidence of an anaphylactic reaction in response to the snake bite, with additional findings of alcohol intoxication and other underlying medical conditions.